Marcus's pov
I was sat in Skye's room playing with her.
"Uncle Marcus... why don't I have a mummy?" Skye asked. I had no clue what to say so no knew fine well this was a job for Jesse as he was her dad at the end of the day.
"Ummm you know how sometimes when mums and dads argue, well your daddy and mummy did it and they decided they shouldn't argue anymore." I said I didn't want to be too blunt so I decided to be a euphemist about it.
"Skye can we talk love?" Jesse said.
She nodded.
I got up and left after Jesse gave me a look of privacy is needed.Jesse's pov
"Skye the reason why you don't have a mum is well it's hard to say but the reason why I don't have pictures of you from when you were a baby is because well.... "
I took a moment to think of how to say this...
"Your mum left the hospital with you before I had a chance to even look at you, my sweet gorgeous girl.
I finally got to see you for the first time when you were two ." I explained.
"Daddy, I know it wasn't your fault but why did mummy leave?" She asked so innocently.
"Because mummy didn't love me anymore.." I said.
"No I mean , why did she leave me?" She said looking down.
"Don't ever think your mummy doesn't love you ok she had to leave, she was getting loads of bullies saying mean things to her and the only way to stop it all was to let me see you..." I said and kissed her forehead.
"What if she comes back for me daddy? What if she kidnaps me?" She said.
"Come on darling your mummy wouldn't do that to you. She loves you still but she just can't see you." I explained.
"Could we call her?" She asked. I was hesitant but nodded taking my phone out of my pocket. I called Marcus in.
*facetiming Jenna frumes*"Jesse why are you calling me after two years you ignorant f**k I told you to never speak to me again!" She yelled.
"Well that's a nice way to say hello to your daughter!" I said back angrily. She looked at the camera and saw Skye .
"Hello baby how are you?" She said.
"Better now I'm hanging up !" Skye yelled.
Why did she hang up .
"She's mean!" Skye said pouting and crossing her arms. I laughed at her and hugged her.* ring* *ring*
The doorbell.
"Skye Uncle Paul's here!marcus yelled.
(I know that Marcus and Paul are not related to Jesse but they are basically brothers from other mothers so let it be)
"Uncle Paul!!" Skye screamed running into the living room and hugging him.
"Close your eyes!" He said excitedly in his French accent. Skye closed her eyes and held out her hands she looked confused as to why it was taking so long but eventually Paul placed something on her index finger on her right hand.
"This ring shows my appreciation towards you I know it's a bit big but I want you to keep it for a very long time and when it doesn't fit you anymore ," he reached into his back pocket.and pulled out a plain silver chain.
"I have a chain for you to put the ring on so you can wear it around you neck."THANKYOU so much uncle Paul!" She said and hugged him then kissed his cheek.
(Time skip)7 years old
Skye's pov.
My life is amazing . My dad is playing so well and is going so far with his football he has met a new girl called Sophie but she hates me I'm scared to tell daddy about her in case she hurts me... again. Daddy won't believe me anyways.
"SKYE GET YOUR ASS JN HERE NOW!!!" Sophie shouted at me. I sprinted into the living room.
"Your dads gone to training, you know what that means, don't you?" She said and smirked. She looked so fake I had no idea what my dad saw in her.Another blow was given to my face. It hurt and stung . I can't be bothered lying anymore I have used my excuses I can't lye to my dad anymore .
"Aaaggghh!!! " I screamed in pain she kicked me to the ground and punched me in the side of my head. The years purged out of my eyes. I felt the warm blood trickle from my face.
"That's enough, tell your father you left the house without consent and then you fell of the top of the climbing frame!" She looked at me I can't lye any more.
"I- .." I was gonna say it. But I stopped.
"Ok ..." I said and got up to clean my face.———
Jesse arrives home."Hey baby!" I hear the witch call.
"Hey ..." he says unamused .
"What's wrong ?" She says trying to sound sympathetic.
"I'm just tired ok , I'm gonna check on Skye ..." he said almost falling asleep.I was still crying in the corner and I heard him coming I stopped trying and wiped my face . "Skye how are you sweets?" He said but he opened the door and he dropped everything he was holding.
"Oh my god!" He yelled.
"Who did this to you ?" He asked and hugged me.
"No body I fell off the climbing frame..." I said the witch was staring daggers at me.
"I wasn't careful because I never had an adult there and I left without consent..." I said again tears at the corners of my eyes were threatening to spill .
"I don't believe you tell me the truth Skye , I'm sick of hearing all the same excuses ! Is it someone at school or are you doing this purposely to hurt yourself?" He asked he was worried you could see it in my eyes I blindly shook my head and he lifted my chin up to face him he got a better look and saw a bruised hand print and the mark where I got punched was cut.
"Is that a ring mark?" He asked and turned around to face Sophie. Who was now stood closer to him.
"No it doesn't look like it?" She said trying to play innocent.
"How could you not notice she had a gouge out of her face that's bleeding!" He argued."Omg fine! I DID IT SHE TAKES ME AWAY FROM YOU ALL THE TIME AND I HATE HER!!!!! You care for only her and not me!!!" She screamed.
Dad stood up and pushed her away from him but not enough so she's fall over.
"How could you do this?" He said crying.
"Jesse choose who you want ... me or her!" She demanded.
"Get your stuff and get the f**k out of my house now don't ever come near me or my family again!!" He screamed .
She stormed off and screamed . Hopefully this was the last of her...——-
Just wanted to say that I haven't posted chapters for a while because I've been working on this one and with the a/n the word count is exactly 1195

Skye Lingard (daughter of Jesse Lingard)
FanfictionThis book will be about you since you were born . Your mother Jena frumes left you with your father Jesse Lingard when you were 2 years old. You eventually grow up to be who you never expected to be.