This book will be about you since you were born . Your mother Jena frumes left you with your father Jesse Lingard when you were 2 years old. You eventually grow up to be who you never expected to be.
I'm so proud of my little girl. Even though she isn't so little anymore I can't believe that after not playing matches for years and she goes and blows away everyone . It's weird because although she's 13 at every match she plays now it's full . Everyone is coming to watch them and j can't be more happier for my little baby.
"Dad ?" Skye said coming in with her eyes watering. "What is it doll?" I asked. "M-mums here..." she trailed off but I heard her. "Go to your room darling okay I'll speak with her and you can come out when your ready to see her ok ?" I asked her kissing her cheek.
I walked to the door and opened it to see Jena standing there. "Can I come in please?" She said. "Uhh yeah sure" I said opening the door wider. "So I see our little daughter is slowly becoming a star , she been on the news and in the papers!" She said excitedly . Skye came in. "You obviously want something mum what is it ?" She asked crossing her arms. "What do you mean darling ?" She said . " I haven't seen you in years ... not a phone call or even a show of face at any of my games !" She yelled . "And why would that make you think I want something?!" She asked yelling a bit.
Skye pov
"And why would that make you think I want something?!" She yelled slightly at me. "Don't play dumb just because dad is sitting there! You told me when I opened the door earlier you were gonna take me away that you were gonna use me for money and then make me a model like you !!! Well I don't want that mum I want to be a footballer like dad!!!" I screamed. "Jena I don't understand why you've come this way , I want you to understand that if this is true you aren't taking my daughter away from me!" My dad said protectively standing up and grabbing my hand.
"Skye why would you lie? Shame on you I thought your dad would have raised you better ! " she said spitefully. "That's it! I screamed and ran up to her and punched her square in the jaw. My dad grabbed me and pulled me away to my room . "Stay there until I say!" My dad said angry.
Jesse pov
"Wow I'm glad you actually shouted at her , show the little brat that she isn't the only person on this earth!" Jena yelled at me. "What you mean exactly like you! Not everything revolves around you , you can't just come through my door and expect for me to hand my daughter over to you !!!" I yelled.
"She's my daughter too jesse !" She yelled. "Well maybe you could of been an actual mum and still looked after her ok weekends but no ! You decided it was better after all the hate clears up to just go around fucking people and then braking there hearts! Because that what you do Jena... you did that to me!" I yelled.
She looked at me and then stormed out the house. I went to Skye's room to apologise. "Skye darling?" I asked her. "I know that you are gonna apologise but really you don't need to..." She said looking at me . I can't believe how much she has grown to be so beautiful .
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^^^thats her)
She looks so much like her mother. And my cousins gabby I guess that my side coming out. She is my little angel I would do anything to protect her however I am pretty sure she'd be able to protect her self.
Marcus pov. I was with Paul and then I saw Skye on the news.
'Is mini Lingard really the daughter of young football star Jesse Lingard? Jena frumes has admitted to be cheating on Jesse around the time she got pregnant and had been fooling around with the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo!!" The news people said. I rang Jesse immediately.
"Jess turn on the news now!" I screamed. "It's already on mate. Skye's in her room ... what if it's true Marcus what if she isn't actually my daughter... I mean it could be made up because Jena came to our house yesterday and tried to take Skye away from me. So maybe if she can prove somehow that I'm not the father then Skye will be legally put in jena's custody." Jesse started crying.
"Hey bro it's gonna be okay right, we'll get you to have a dna test if the worst comes to worst okay ." I said. "But what if she isn't what if she's a Ronaldo... that would explain how good she is !" He said. I guess he's right but she doesn't look anything like cris. "Listen Jess Skye isn't good because she could be the daughter of the biggest footballer in the world, she's good because she has worked hard to get to the level she is!" I said . "Okay I understand mate I shouldn't have even thought about it, of course she's my daughter !!" Jesse said slapping his forehead.
Jesse pov
I hope she never heard any of that. I turned the tv off and went to her room to check on her. She was sound asleep ...