Chapter 25

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The unexpected

Jada POV...

"Katie! Katie!" I called worriedly.

There was no answer and the place was quiet, I quickly head up to her room and I heard sobbing. I pushed her room door open and saw her curled up in bed crying.

"Katie what's wrong?" I asked worriedly rushing over to her.

"Jada!" she said crying,  hugging me tightly.

"What happen Katie? Did Liam hurt you?" I asked angrily.

"N--no i--i don't know what wrong with me Jada" she cried.

"You need to calm down ok?" I told her comfortingly.

She wouldn't stop crying and it pains my heart to see her like this, the last time she was like this was when Austin die. I tried my best to comfort her so she could calm down and tell me what happened between her and Liam. She finally stop crying after we head downstairs and grabbed a jar of cookies and cream ice cream and sat In the living room watching 'The nanny' she love that movie.

"So what happened?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

"I pushed him away Jada, he want us to move forward but I'm holding on to my past.... I feel like I am hurting Austin if  I.... She sigh heavily.

" Katie you have to let go off your past, Austin wouldn't want to see you like this. If you want things to work with Liam then you have to let go off Austin " I told her.

"I tried Jada but he's still popping up in my head whenever I tried to do anything with Liam" she said softly

"Do you love Liam?" I asked her.

"Yes I do" she replied placing a spoon of ice cream in her mouth.

"Then you need to try harder to let go off Austin, Katie you deserve to be happy... You've been mourning years for Austin, I think Austin would want you to be happy" I said placing a spoon of ice cream in my mouth.

She went quiet for a while just staring on the movie, I gave her the time to think about what I said. She will never move on if she's still stuck in the past, she have to let go off Austin he's not coming back. This is why she moved to Florida to get away from the memories of him but she didn't, she has always carrying it around with her and it's haunting her. I want to see her happy with someone who love her and willing to take care of her and Liam seems like that person.

"You should go see him" I said breaking the silence.

"Jada he's upset with me, I told him to leave me alone because I'm never goig to be the woman he wants" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sure when you explained he'll forgive you because he loves you Katie, stop pushing him away before you end up losing him" I told to her, removing a couple strand of hair from her face.

"So what should I do?" She asked.

"Just go take a shower and leave the rest to muah" I told her smiling.

I grabbed her hand and ushered her up the stairs, as soon as she went in the bath room I started scanning through her closet. I picked out a red high waist skirt and a gold Crop top and her gold six inches stilettos. I spread them out on her bed and they looked splendid, minutes later she came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her and staring on the outfit on her bed.

"You Like?" I grinned.

"Jada what are you doing ?" She asked quirking her brows.

"Come let me do your hair and make up... You're going to go apologize to Liam and then your virginity will be taken" I said giggling.

"Jada!" She scolded me.

"What! Come lets gets started with your hair" I said pulling her to sit.

As soon as she sat down I started blow drying her hair, then I gave her a center part and curl her hair. I spray some curling spray to keep the curls and oil shine to keep it shinny. I then started on her makeup, I apply minimum foundation that fix her complexion, some face powder then used the concealer to mark out her eye brows and a dark brown eye liner for  brightening. I applied dark brown eye shadow, a nude colour lipstick with lipgloss for shininess and some blush. I let her looked at her self in the mirror and she looked flawless.

"I love the look Jada" she squealed, hugging me.

"Me too now get dress" I said passing her the crop top.

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he's move on already? What if--

" Katie shut up and get dress" I said cutting her off.

"Ok.. So how are you and the baby?" She asked while getting dress.

"We are doing fine, I can feel his movements now" I let out happily.

"Have you and Jordan have that talk?" She questioned.

"Not really each time it comes up something comes in the way, so I'll talk to him later." I said "something happened between us" I said softly.

She paused for a sec and stared at me, I need to talk to someone about what happened and I feel comfortable talking to her about it. I don't know if she's going to freak out or what but I need to say something.

"What happened Jada?" She said giving me all her attention.

"Well Jordan and I slept together again" I said in one breath.

"Meaning you guys ha--

"Yes Katie " I answered hastily.

"Jada that's so wr--

"I know Katie, he's engaged and it's wrong but It felt right" I told her.

She looked a little worried at first but then she asked for everything that happened and I told her everything without leaving out any details. She was all dressed up and look super pretty, her gold Crop top blends in perfectly with her red high waist skirt looking like a complete dress.

"I did a pretty good job on you sis" I said spinning her around.

"Thanks Jada but I'm--

" shhhh lets go, you have a relationship to get back on track" I said ushering her through the door.

"Jada I'm kind of nervous, I really blow him off today" she complained as we walked down the hallway.

"And now you're goimg to apologize sincerely, Katie stop torturing yourself..... How would you live with yourself knowing you push a way some one you love? Better sooner than later" I said opening the door.

"Ok I'll call you" she said and I waved her bye.

I closed the door as she drove off and head to the kitchen for something to eat. I didn't feel like leaving, I missed this place so much and I just feel at home. I sat on the sofa and stretched out my feet, I smiling knowing Jessica can't tell me to take them down this time. I finished eating and was dozing off when my phone blast to life causing me to jumped up.

I almost have an attack....

"Hello" I said without looking on the caller ID.

"Hey Jada how are you?" Lucas voice said from the other line.

"I'm ok Lucas" I said a little upset.

"Jada I'm sorry for what happened the other day, I don't want our friendship to ruin or be awkward" he said sincerely.

"It's ok Lucas I forgive you" I said with a hint of smile.

"So friends?" He asked

"Always" I smile

We had a good chat on the phone and catching up on a few things at work. We said our goodbyes shortly afterwards and I fell asleep on the sofa.


Kinda lame but blah!!

Still support yeah?


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