Chapter 29

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The unexpected

Jada POV...

The following morning I woke up with a terrible headache, I stared at the mirror in the bathroom and my hair messy all over my face and my eyes swollen from crying lastnight.

The water feel ice cold under the shower causing me to shiver a bit, I let the cold water penetrate on my skin and relaxes my muscles. After getting dress and fixing my hair, I head to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat.

"Good morning, how are you feeling now?" Katie asked stirring her coffee.

"I'm having a headache" I complained.

"Hush, I could cancel work today and stay with you if you're not feeling well" she said pitifully.

"I'm ok Katie please go to work I'll be fine it's just a headache, it will blow off soon" I said with a saccharine smile.

" Jada you're pregnant and I don't want to lea--

"Katie I am fine, if I need anything I'll call you first, now go you're going to be late although your boss won't punish you if you are late" I grinned pushing her out the door.

She gave me a kiss on my forehead and a pitiful looked before walking to her car. I let out a deep breath and walked back to the kitchen preparing egg omelet and toast. I feel my little man kicking inside me and I smile moving my hands with his.

"Good morning to you too little prince" I said placing a kiss on my two fingers and put it on my tummy.

I then heard the doorbell and sigh frustratedly, I turned off  the stove and attended to the door.

"Katie I'll be-- I trailed off  but stop when I looked up and saw the person standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked walking back in the kitchen.

"To talk" he said taking a seat around the island.

"About?" I questioned without looking him.

"Jada why are you upset with me? What did I do wrong?" He voice out with a sad expression on his face.

He didn't do anything wrong, its just me. I am so scared of falling in love again and when he said "I love you Jada" it freaked me out and I didn't know what to do but run.

Stupid Jada always running away.... I furrowed my eye brows at the voice speaking in my head to shut up.

" Jada at least let us talk about how we going to raise the baby... I'm sorry for what I did and I understand if you don't love me ba--

"I do love you" I said softly cutting him off.

He stopped talking and stared at me surprisingly, guess he wasn't expecting to hear that from me.

"I do love you but I'm so scared of getting my heart break again and with Jessica I ju--

" You don't have to worry about Jessica anymore, I called off the engagement.... Jada I would never hurt you if you just give me the chance to be in both you and our baby's life " he said walking towards me.

"I'm scared Jordan, I don't want to feel the awful feeling again, Alex br-- I trailed off but he didn't let me finished.

" I'm not Alex and I said I'll never hurt you, just trust me" he said softly " Can you do that?" He said cupping my face.

"Yea" I nodd

He kissed my forehead and pulled me in him arms, I hugged him back but my belly distance us down there and I smile. It feels good to be in his arms again, I love inhaling the sweet cologne scent of his. I looked up in his beautiful blue eyes  and I got lost in them just staring at the stranger I once had a one night stand with and here we are having a baby together and even falling Inlove with each other.

" I want to take you somewhere" he said breaking the silence between us.

"Huh? Where?" I asked looking up on him.

"Somewhere to free our mind from the past and be alone together" he said kissing me once.

"Ok I'm going to change will be right back" I said heading to the stairs.

We left the house twenty minutes ago, the ride so far is cool and relaxing, our hands intertwining together and I leaned against the window staring at the objects flashing by. The car filled will silence we both were lost into our thoughts.

"How much further?" I said impatiently breaking the silence between us.

"Ten more minutes babe, I promise" he said squeezing my hands a lil tighter.

"How did Jessica take the break up?" I find myself asking.

He sigh" Not well, she trashed my room" he said bitterly.

"I'm sorry" I said softly.

"Hey don't worry about it, I'm getting it repair right now... I need you to keep your mind of all that's happened OK?" He said caressing the side of my face.

I nodded with a forcefully smile, apart of me still scared of Jessica coming back and things get difficult for us. I let myself falling inlove again, Sigh I hope this time I'll have a happy ending like the fairytale movie but this is real life and the least can happen when you're not expecting it.

"We are here?" He said breaking me from my trance.

He pulled up in a small track and stopped infront of a small cabin, with tall green trees on both side. He opened the car door for me and I took his hands for help to get out, we walked in the cabin holding hands.

Inside was cozy and beautiful with two bedroom, a small kitchen, small living room and a bathroom. It was small but neat, clean and smell fresh.

"This place is beautiful" I said still looking around.

"I know, it belong to my dad but I came here when I want to be alone and clear my head..... I haven't bring anyone up here, you're the first" he said rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Thank you my mind feels lighter than before.... How long are we staying?" I asked holding his shirt in a fist.

"As long as you want sweetie" he said wrapping his strong arms around my back.

I let myself relaxed in his warm embrace and close my eyes inhaling his sweet cologne scent. The stranger I once met and was hating at first is the stranger that I feel comfortable being with and falling deep in love with.

"Hungry?" He asked breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah what will you be preparing?" I said slightly pulling away from him.

"Let's go look in the kitchen" he said holding my hands leading me in the kitchen.

After lunch we chilled out in the living room, my swollen feet lie on his lap and his hands did wonderful magic to them massaging the pain out.  My mind feels free and relaxing, enjoying the moment as I can. I looked over at him lost in his thoughts.

"Are you ok?" I asked snapping him back to reality.

"Huh?" He answered puzzled.

"You looked lost Are you ok?" I said looking up on him.

"Yeah,  I was thinking about what to  call the baby" he says smiling.

"And what do you have in mind?" I questioned, intrigued about the topic.

"Jadan Jordan Grey, you like?" He smiled.

"It's prefect" I beamed  " Hello Jadan " I said rubbing my tummy.

He stared at me without saying a word but I could read his happy expression on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" he said kissing the back of my hands.

"Hmmhmm" I blushed.

We spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching romantic movie and feeling free from the world.



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