Rude Awakening

521 14 4

Violet's POV

"Wake up, guys. It's seven." Zoey said, waking me up.
I sleepily got up from my little corner of the room and walked over to the mini fridge to grab an iced coffee.

I sleepily got up from my little corner of the room and walked over to the mini fridge to grab an iced coffee

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I wish i could just stay here all day and sleep and drink coffee and sleep.
"I'm up." I heard Dana say, her voice groggy.
Zoey's gaze move to Dana's bottom bunk then Nicole's.
"Where's Nicole?" Zoey asked.
"Up there." Dana said and kicked the mattress above her. "Nicole, wake up." I said as I sat back down on my bed.
Nothing happened.
Zoey shook her head. "She's not up there. Where could she be?"
Suddenly the covers next to her moved, and Nicole appeared in her purple jammies with her pink teddy bear. "Hi." she said cheerfully.
Zoey screamed and fell out of her bed.
"What are you doing?!" Zoey asked.
"I had a bad dream in the middle of the night." she said with a shrug. "Usually when i have a bad dream, i crawl in bed with my mom, but she's back in Kansas. Did i scare you?"
Zoey rolled her eyes. "Oh, no. I always wake up with a scream and heart attack." she said sarcastically. 
"I'm sorry." Nicole said.
Just then, there was a pounding on the door.
"Quick!" a familiar voice yelled. It was Quinn, the dorm's resident science freak.
She is really strange, but nice in a geeky borderline pscho sort of way.
"Come outside. You've gotta see this." she yelled.
I groaned, jumped of my bed an slipped on my uggs.
Zoey gave us a confused look and we ran out with everyone else.

When we got outside, I blinked.
Then my eyes adjusted to the morning light and my jaw dropped.
The entire dorm was covered in toilet paper.
"Someone TP'd our dorm!" Zoey yelled.
"And there's toilet paper everywhere!" Nicole yelled.
I rolled my eyes. "No way! I thought it was candy." i said sarcastically.
"Who did this!" Quinn yelled.
"That's what i wanna know." Dana yelled.
"Wait!." Nicole yelled, still holding her teddy bear. "Maybe this was an accident." she suggested.
"Who TP's an entire building by accident?" I asked. "No, this was an attack on the girl's dorm."
"Yeah." the other girl yelled.
"Whoever did this is gonna pay!" Dana yelled.
"Yeah." the girls yelled again.
"Yeah!" Quinn yelled. "We'll hunt them down and surgically remove their kidneys!"
We all stared at her.
Quinn looked around.
"I mean, whoever did this is going to pay!" she yelled.
Everyone cheered.

Later that day...

"So I heard you guys woke up to a little surprise this morning." Logan said with a smirk at lunch. I eyed him suspiciously.
It's just like him to think something like this would be funny.
"Yeah," Nicole said, still distressed. "Someone TP'd our entire dorm."
Chase nodded. "We saw." he said.
Michael looked like he was trying not to smile.
"Yeah, someone got you guys good." he said.
Dana's eyes darkened.
"And we're going to find out who." she said.
"I have some theories." Zoey said. "I think maybe it was the football team."
"I bet it was hippies." Nicole said.
"WE did it." i thought i hear Michael say.
We continued to talk.
"I hear some hippies live on the beach, so maybe they snuck on campus last night and-"
"Wait a second." I said gesturing for the girls to stop talking. "Did you just say you did it?' I asked.
"Yeah." Logan said, leaning back and grinning.
"We did it." Michael said, proudly.
"Surprise." Chase said.
Zoey picked up some grapes and threw it at him.
"Hey! Don't be throwing grapes." he yelled.
Zoey scowled.
Did he really think a grape compared to a hundred rolls of toilet paper?
"Why did you TP our dorm?' Nicole asked.
"Because it's Prank Week." Loan said.
"Yeah." Chase said.
"Prank Week." Michael repeated.
"What the hell is prank week?" I asked, annoyed.
"Don't girls know anything?" he asked.
"I know how to make you cry." I responded smugly.
"What are you gonna do? Kiss me?' he asked.
"You wish." I replied.
"Yeah, I do." he said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes.
"Alright, someone tell me what prank week is right now." Zoey demanded.
"It's a tradition we have here at PCA and it happens one week a year." Chase said.
"This week." Michael added.
"See, the returning students-"
"That's us." Logan interrupted.
"Play pranks on all the new students," Chase continued.
"That's you." Logan finished.
"It's sorta like your initiation to PCA." Michael said.
"It's fun." Logan said.
"For us." Michael put in.
"Yeah, not for you.' Chase admitted.
"Are you sure this isn't just an excuse for the guys to pick on the girls?" Nicole asked, pointedly.
Michael shook his head. "No, we do this every year."
"It just so happens that this is the first time girls are allowed into PCA." Chase explained.
"Which makes you prime targets." Logan pointed out.
"Ok, and what do we do?" Zoey asked.
"Nothing." Logan shook his head, smiling smugly.
"Except, y'know, get pranked." Chase finished with a shrug.
Dana looked hard at them.
"And we're just supposed to take it?' she asked.
Like us girls were gonna do that. Were the guys really stupid enough to think that was possible?
"Hey, you're catching on." Logan quipped.
I glared at him. 
"Well, i think prank week is idiotic." Zoey said.
"Hey, we had to do it too." Michael said.
"And the pranks were harsh. During my first year some of the older kids tied me up in the fountain and put the water on. I was soaking wet." Chase said.
"Yeah, well, try being chased by a shark!" Michael said. "I was taking a swim in the pool when i was suddenly i was being chased by a giant shark! And i was really far from the edge of the pool! I swam as fast as i could but the shark kept coming closer and closer and closer. I was sure i was going to get eaten, and then two older guys popped up from the water carrying a fake shark fin."
I looked at Michael. If he believed there could be a shark in the swimming pool, he deserved to get pranked! Come on!
"Yeah, i guess they were pretty harsh." Logan agreed, getting an embarrassed look on his face.
"I wasn't happy to wake up one morning in the middle of campus surrounded by a laughing crowd- they carried my whole bed onto the front lawn." he ran a hand through he's curly hair.
"Luckily, i look good all the time, even first thing in the morning."
I shook my head as i listened to all the prank stories. It all seems kind of silly.
"Well, we're not going to be such easy targets." Dana said defiantly.
Michael gulped down the last of his water. "Hey, Nicole, could you toss this in the trash can behind you?' he asked, handing her the bottle.
"Sure." Nicole replied, pushing her chair back and walked over to the trash can.
Just as she dropped the bottle in the trash can a PCA student leaped out of it.
He roared and Nicole ran away, screaming.
I glared at the guys, who were laughing.
Rude asses.

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