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you got out of your house when you hear a rumbling of a bike machine stopped in front of your house. It's Sunday morning and Kuroo has a knack to have breakfast with you on weekend, you don't mind since the two of you are barely together on the weekdays.

"Hey, baby..." Kuroo sang as he leaned back against his black motorbike.

"Hey handsome..." you said playfully, "Is this good enough?" you then twirled as you walked toward him. you wear a burgundy, turtle-neck sweater and a black leather jacket--which are match with what currently Kuroo wearing, and blue jeans and brown boots. Kuroo's smile widens as his eyes flickered repeatedly between your jacket and your face, "perfect" he said. It was an unintentional couple jacket, Kuroo has had his jacket for a long time because he rode his bike since his freshman, and then after a few months you dated him, he gave you the jacket as a birthday gift. He said that so you have something to keep you warm when you have to ride with him. 

"so... are we going somewhere cold or you just don't want me to get cold on the ride?" you asked when you stood in front of him. This morning he texted you to dress warmly and when you asked 'why', he only replied with 'on my way'.

Kuroo chuckled "I don't want you to get cold, we're going somewhere a little bit further than usual"

"oo..." you bounce on your toes, "where are we going?"

"you'll see..." He chuckled again as he zipped up your jacket and put on a helmet on you. 

Kuroo took you for a breakfast first before the two of you continue on the road. you leaned against Kuroo's back as you reach the outskirt, holding his firm torso for extra warmth. The tall and greyish building has long behind you and now you rode through a line of trees, and luscious greenery, and soon enough the road opened up into a cliff-side road. On your left was a wall of dark grey rocks while on your right was a cerulean blue sea. 

"Pretty..." you gasped. You can feel Kuroo's chest rumble with laughter as his left hand found its way to hold your hand that rested on his stomach. You got to enjoy the view of the sea for a full five minutes before the road headed up into a hill and you were back riding through a forest.

After a while, Kuroo turned the bike into a dirt part that was covered by a thick layer of brown leaves. He kept going until you can't see the highway behind you. After a while, Kuroo stopped his motorbike and park it. Only when you get off of the motorbike you realize how the forest gave a feeling of intense serenity. The trees that surround you stood high above you. The sounds of birds chirping and cicada's cries echoed throughout the forest. 

"Let's go..." Kuroo hummed and took your hand.

"How do you even find a place like this?" you asked while your eyes scanned your surrounding.

"my cousin lives around here--" said Kuroo as he guided you deep into the forest and into some giant bushes, "--we have a sleepover for a week, I went jogging every morning--like always. And one day I got lost on my way back 'cause I went too far--" He chuckled sheepishly and continued telling you the story while you tried to keep up with his steps, "--and then I found this place, I kept going back the next days, but no one seems to be aware of it, because every time I was there, there's no one but me. so I thought it could be our place to be alone"

As soon as he finished, the two of you got out of the forest and somehow arrived at a beach. The length of the shore was only about 300 meters and in between a lee of a rocky hill. It was way smaller than most of the beaches in general, but it's gorgeous.

"Oh my god." you squealed and ran ahead to the beach. The sands are soft and pure white, and the water was light blue toward greenish. You can see the bottom of the water, flat rocks that cover by thick dark green moss, and fishes can be seen swimming leisurely. Since the rocky hill was circling the tiny beach like the shape of a Crescent moon, the wave was extremely calm, it was almost like a private pool.

"I wonder how it feels to be swimming in the water..." you murmured.

"Let's find out!" said Kuroo as he started to strip.

"What? are you serious? I don't bring any bathing suit--" you gasped and punch Kuroo on his arm, "-why didn't you tell me to bring one"

"You don't need them..." Said Kuroo nonchalantly as he took off his boxer and become completely naked. Now the view just got better even though it shrinks into 6' 2", but who cares right? It's 6' 2" of walking perfection. Your eyes locked on how his muscles flexed and stretch as he walked before you snapped out of your daze.

"W-what are you doing? what if someone came" you gaped and blushed. You looked around frantically, afraid that there might be someone else.

"I told you, no one knows about this place" Kuroo already strolled away.

"How would you know?"

"I asked my cousin whether there's a beach around here or not, and he told me that the beach is miles away from here... if he who lives around here forever doesn't know about this, then no one else knows" he laughed, "lucky, right?"

Kuroo's steps came to a halt as he looked back at you, "come on... " he smirked deviously.

"The weather is still too cold to be swimming out here" you shouted since he getting further away

 "Don't be such a pussy..." he shouted back and continue to walk toward the water.

You gasped, "Bish... nobody called me a pussy" you yelled at him and began to take off your clothes. 

"oh yeah... what are you gonna do about it, pussy?" he laughed.

Once all of your clothes are off from you, you ran after him. He doesn't realize you were coming until you were just a few feet away from him.

"whoa..." he laughed as he seized both of your hands, you wrestled him for a moment before he scooped you up and carry you on his shoulder. Kuroo then dropped you to the water and you instantly let out a very humiliating shriek. You frantically stand to get out of the water, while Kuroo burst out a laugh.

"Oh god, it's really cold!" you gasped as you walked toward the shores, "nope, nu-uh, I'm out" but after a step, Kuro hugged you from behind "you're not going anywhere," he said before falling back with you in his arms and back into the cold water.

"Tetsurou! stop it!" you barked when you resurface, while Kuro just cackling and was the happiest person on earth.

"Stop? but I'm just getting started" he purred before sliding his hands down to grip your waist and silencing you with his kiss. You let out a soft moan when he started to kiss you hungrily. You kept being pushed back until you felt a cold, hard surface against the back of your skin. He has pinned you down against the rock wall. somehow the cold water was forgotten by you and when he moved to attack your neck, you thought that, if this was what he started then you don't mind if he took his time to finish it.  ;-)


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