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"That shameless bitch... when is she gonna realize that Ushijima going out with her just because he pitied her" a stranger's voice echoed through your head.

You tried to not overthinking it because you think it's because they were jealous of you, but that damn words just keep ringing in your head. Why? Is it because deep down you thought so too? What if he doesn't love you?

What if they were right?

"(F/n)..." a deep voice breaking your thought. You looked up and saw Ushijima just got back to school's ground from his evening jogging.

"Are you finished?" He asked you, chest still panting from the running and looked so damn hot with all the sweats that running down his temple and body.

"Mmm," you nodded.

"Alright, Wait for me... I'll just need to get my bag..." Said Ushijima with his usual flat tone.

"What about your club?" You raised an eyebrow.

"It finished like... hours ago," he said as he walked away.

You waited for him by the school's gate for five minutes before the two of you walked home together. He's quiet like always, answer when you asked, and sometimes asking about your day. 

'Yes... he's just being him... what am I worried about again?' You thought before your eyes glanced at his hands, he tucked them inside his pocket as he walked.

'Now that I think about it, he never holds my hand...' you frowned, 

"Ne... Ushijima-kun..." you began and stopping in your steps without you realize.

"Hmm?" Ushima stopped as well.

"D-do... do you-" you stuttered, "do you l-" you looked up to see Ushijima. When you see his innocent face, you feel awful, what if he was too kind to say no to you, what if... you asked him now, and the feeling was never equal, and... that's it... it's over. You lose him just like that. You're not ready to lose him. You don't want to lose him.

"What?" He looked at you questioningly.

"Do... do you hungry? I'm hungry... haha" you laughed awkwardly. 

I chickened out ... great...

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Tako...yaki," you said quietly.

Ushijima bought you some takoyaki as you wish, but you ended up holding it all the way home since you were not that hungry, you felt nauseous in fact. 

"Why aren't you eating it?" Ushijima frowned.

"Hmm? Oh... yeah" you shoved a takoyaki in your mouth, "mmm... it's good" you smiled.

"You being quiet... everything alright?" He asked.

"Am I?" you laughed sheepishly, "just...  tired, I guess, the autumn festival is near and we short on sponsor"

Ushijima eyes soften, "don't push yourself too hard, get enough rest"

"I will..." you smiled as you got inside your house, "see you tomorrow" you waved him.

He nodded as his lips twitch upward, just a little, Short and vague, but the sight of him 'smiling' was enough to warm your heart and forget all of your worries for a while. At least you don't think about those poisonous thoughts when you go to school.

"Kaichou..." the treasurer of student council called you when you're about to meet Ushijima for lunch, "we got replies from some new sponsor, I've done a quick counting, they're enough to covered for the stage expense..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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