iv. what's the point?

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for the past few years, mina's life has been incredibly dull. her monotonous life bores her. every morning, she wakes up, gets ready, and leaves her apartment. mina barely even makes an effort in her appearance, so it doesn't take very long to get out of the building.

mina's lack of effort wasn't for no reason. these years have been quite hard for her. a thought to be unrequited love can do that to a person. an eventful night during one of mina's last moments with chaeyoung led to more than just a falling out with said girl. their entire friend group fell apart.

there were no hard feelings or anything. the girls simply got busy, and with tensions rising between chaeyoung and mina, it became just the right circumstances for them to drift apart. the once large friend group separated into smaller groups. some even ended up dating, unlike chaeyoung and mina.

the girls still followed each other on social media, so they at least had a vague idea about the others' current lives. chaeyoung had even recently created an instagram account and reached out to mina. mina was sure it wouldn't lead to anything though. they would talk for a few days and then move on. mina knew how this process worked from experience.

on this particular day, mina was having an especially hard time. she has recently been struggling to get up. it sometimes took her hours just to get out of bed due to her loss of motivation.

"what's the point?" she often asked herself.

mina was eventually able to start her day just like always, and before she knew it, she was stepping out of the doors of her apartment building. mina turned left around a corner, and her eyes met the sign of her favorite cafe. she found this cafe the day after chaeyoung stopped talking to her. it's held a special place in mina's heart ever since.

just like her days, mina's order has always been the same. once she had a hot chocolate in her hands, mina made her way to her seat near a window. she sat there the first time she found the place and hasn't changed spots since. the cafe's warm, homey atmosphere put mina at ease.

even though she almost knew the place like the back of her hand, mina studied the cafe. there were giant bookshelves overflowing with books on the walls. huge, beige curtains hung alongside the windows. varying types of plants occupied any space that wasn't alrewdy taken up. most importantly, the cafe was filled with comfortable, cushioned chairs.

mina heated her hands up with her hot chocolate, a small smile forming on her lips. she really loved this place. mina didn't know what she would with her cafe. it offered her a nice place for her to think, and she often thought up a storm.

meanwhile in the opposite end of the cafe, chaeyoung sat at a table with her girlfriend, dahyun. she really wasn't sure how she got herself into this relationship. dahyun caught her at a bad time. a crush saying their kiss meant nothing usually doesn't put one in a good mood. chaeyoung was so frustrated and angry with mina that she wanted anything to get back at her.

after a few years, the relationship just stuck. chaeyoung didn't hate having dahyun as her girlfriend. she thought they would be better off as friends, but dating each other wasn't so bad. chaeyoung liked holding hands and exchanging gifts. plus, dahyun was good to her. it's not like mina would suddenly confess feelings for chaeyoung, so she felt there was no reason to break it off with dahyun.

dahyun watched her girlfriend stare off into space with a fond look on her face. she adores practically everything chaeyoung does, and she was glad she was able to share time at this peaceful cafe with her girlfriend. dahyun smiled at chaeyoung from across the table, gently rubbing the other's hand. chaeyoung gave her a smile in return before taking a sip of her tea.

chaeyoung and dahyun continued their peaceful visit to the cafe with occasional conversation. dahyun asked little questions about chaeyoung's life and was only given little responses. in the middle of listening to dahyun ramble, chaeyoung briefly caught sight of a girl with hair just barely past her shoulders out of the corner of her eye. she could've sworn she'd seen the girl before.

chaeyoung could've sworn it was her first love, mina myoui.

i'm sorry my writing is not its best. i haven't written a story in a while, so i'm a little rusty. hopefully, i'll get better as i write more.

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