xi. too gay

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"so you two are going to spend the whole day together? alone?" dahyun asked on the other line of the phone.

"yeah? what do you mean? we're just going to hang out for a while," chaeyoung said into the phone while browsing her closet, balancing her phone between her head and neck.

"just-it's nothing. have fun, okay?" dahyun told chaeyoung, ending the call immediately after speaking.

chaeyoung mumbled an affirmative to herself and contiued looking at her clothes. she stopped at a t-shirt with a rainbow for a while but eventually shook her head. too gay. chaeyoung finally settled on an outfit after a huge debate between herself and swiftly changed out of her pajamas.

chaeyoung kept thinking about her phone call with dahyun. it seemed that dahyun didn't like the idea of mina and chaeyoung hanging out. dahyun had even woken up early to talk to her girlfriend before she went out. sure, chaeyoung still has some lingering feelings, but dahyun doesn't need to worry. chaeyoung was positive nothing more would become of chaeyoung and mina's relationship. she was quick to dismiss her thoughts and left her room, making her way to the kitchen.

"good morning," chaeyoung said as she passed one of her roomates, nayeon.

"oh!" nayeon jumped a bit in her seat but quickly regained her posture. "good morning! i didn't know you'd be up so early."

"i could say the same. i thought you usually woke up no earlier than ten?" chaeyoung asked, pulling a mug down from a cabinet.

"jeongyeon kept stealing the blankets last night, so i woke up early," nayeon explained as a dramatic frown formed on her face.

"she won't be too happy when you're not next to her after she wakes up," chaeyoung warned while shaking her head.

"she'll just have to deal with it," nayeon said with a small smile.

chaeyoung shrugged and went on to make her coffee. she took her mug out of the coffee maker and added just a tiny amount of sugar. then, chaeyoung opened the fridge and searched for the creamer. as she added the last ingredient of her coffee, she felt a pair of eyes watching her.

"why are you up so early again?" nayeon asked, genuinely curious.

chaeyoung paused before answering, tapping on her mug absent mindedly. "i'm hanging out with mina."

"mina? as in mina myoui?" nayeon asked with an incredulous look on her face.

"yes, that mina. i know it's been a while, but that's exactly why i want to hang out with her." chaeyoung said, sighing as she responded.

nayeon was silent for a moment before she spoke. "you know, i'm actually proud of you. i thought you guys would never speak again."

"we've been talking on instagram for a couple weeks. i honestly didn't think we'd actually go out," chaeyoung explained but quickly changed her demeanor. "plus, you can't be really disappointed with mina and i. you hardly keep in touch with some of our closest friends from high school."

"sometimes, people just grow apart. i still follow them on instagram. i know what's happening in their lives. would i like to be friends like we used to be? of course, but i just don't believe it's something that's possible." nayeon said, getting somewhat annoyed as her roommate brought up such a tough topic.

chaeyoung sensed nayeon was getting upset and shrugged. "i guess so."

nayeon took this moment to leave and stalked off to her bedroom. chaeyoung watched her go before continuing to sip her coffee. she didn't think nayeon would get so upset, but she needed nayeon to realize that she wasn't completely innocent either. even jeongyeon was guilty.

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