Chapter 3

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I knocked on the O2L house door, and peeked through the window. Connor was getting up from the couch. He swung the door open and threw his arms around me. 

"Hi," I say to him, breathless. He let go of me, and kissed the top of my head. He took my hand and led me inside. Also on the couch was Jc and Ricky. The two were watching a show, but I didn't catch what. "Hey guys!" I wave to them as Connor drags me up the stairs. He opened the door to his freshly cleaned bedroom, and let go of my hand. He walked over to his closet and pulled out his tripod and his camera bag. 

"Have a seat," He said, motioning to the bed with his entire hand. I laugh slightly, then walk over to the white bed. I faceplant on it, hurting my nose in the process. I let out a sigh and sit up. Connor was walking around the room frantically, looking for something. He looked worried. 

"What are you looking for?" I asked him. He stopped for a moment and looked at me, then continued to search. 

"My microphone. The only way my videos get a clear sound is with my microphone. Tha mic on the camera sucks." He opened a drawer on his  desk and sifted through some of the items in it. He slammed the drawer shut, making me jump and fall off the bed. I laughed and turned to stand up,  but I paused when I noticed a cord sticking out from under his bed. I lean over to look at what the source was, and it just so happened to be his microphone. I pull it out and balance it on my shoulder. 

"Connor, how do you like my new pet bird? Her name is slay." He looked at me, and rolled his eyes, smiling. He walked over to me and tried to take the mic, but I backed away, shaking my head. "What do you think you're doing? You'll scare the poor thing." I took the mic in my hands and started petting it. "It's okay. The mean old man won't hurt you." Connor  snatched it from my hands. 

"Thank you!" He walked over to his camera and plugged it in. I stomped my foot and folded my arms across my chest. 

"Hey!" He looked up at me. "You can't just snatch things from people! That's rude!" Suddenly, Kian opened the door. 

"Why ya gotta be so rude?" He sang. Connor walked over to the door and shooed him away, locking the door behind Kian. 

"Shall we begin filming?" Connor asked. I nod and stick my arm out for him to lead me to the bed. We both sat down, the bed caving in, making us crash into one another. I didn't mind it, and Connor clearly didn't either. He reached up and touched two buttons on his camera. "It's recording." I clapped in excitement. 

"What are we doing?" I asked him. He smiled mischievously at me. I smiled mischievously back. He returned to his normal face and laughed. My face remained in the creepy grin. 

"Truth or Dare," He says to me. 

"Sounds great," I say in a deep, scratchy voice. I look up at the camera and gave my best crab face. Connor burst into a laughter, making the bed shake. Connor suddenly stopped, and sat up. 

"We need to focus on the task at hand." I frown at his seriousness and look at the camera again. 

"What's up you guys? It's Connor, and today, I have a very special guest, Brittany!" Connor rolled his tongue on the r, and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. 

"Hi!" I exclaimed. Connor released me and pulled out his phone. "Hey! No phones right now! We're in the middle of filming." He showed the phone to me. He was looking at a screenshot of a twitter page full of #ConnorTruthOrDare questions. 

"Okay, so, today, Brittany and I are going to do the Truth or Dare Challenege. I asked you guys on twitter to send in your truths and dares, so let's see what happens..." He lookekd scared for a moment, then grinned and looked down at his phone."Okay, I'll ask first. Truth or dare?" I flipped my hair behind my shoulder fabulously.

"Dare." I say to him. He puts his hands up in the air, as though he were surrendering. 

"Woah, we got a badass over here!" I nod, agreeeing with the statement and flip the hair on my other shoulder behind it. "Okay, Kayla dares you to lick my foot." He smiles at me wickedly, and brings his foot up to my face. 

"Oh my god, Connor! That's disgusting!" I try to push the foot away, but  he puts it back in my face. 

"Hey, you chose dare." I groan and look at the foot, disgusted. I stick out  my tongue, and inch towards his smelly toes. He quickly pushes his foot up to my mouth, forcing me to lick the entire thing. He wipes it off on the carpet and laughs at me. I was spitting and gagging all over. I sraped at my tongue with my hands, trying to get the foul taste of human feet off of it. 

"You are evil." I say to Connor. I look up at the camera and point at it. "And so are you, Kayla." I lick my shirt, and calm down. The taste of his foot was gone. I stole the phone from his hands and looked at the picture. "Truth or dare?" I ask him irritated. He hugs me, squeezing me so tight, I couldn't breath for a moment. 

"I'll take truth." I look through the tweets and find a good question.

"Tori asked, 'Would you ever date Brittany?'" I looked at him, and find him blushing. C'mon. We're already dating, you weirdo. He looks down at his lap, up at me, then at the camera. Is he gonna tell the fans? I mean, we've been dating for a few weeks now. I'd say we're pretty official. 

"We, um, are dating." He takes my hand and looks me in the eyes. "For almost a month now." He told them. He told the fans. I beamed at him, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. He leaned in and kissed my nose. I squeezed his hand and looked back up at the camera. Connor did the same. "Okay, moving on." 

We filmed for another ten minutes, then shut off the camera. I watched as Connor put away his tripod. "I forgot to tell you," I said quietly. He looked at me, then kept putting things away. "I have a channel." He stopped and put down what he was doing. He leaned back on his knees, and watched me from where he was. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged. I looked down at my hands that were folded in my lap. Why do I feel so guilty about not telling him? "Well, that's great! How many subs do you have?" I looked back up at a grinning Connor. 

"I just hit 300 two days ago." He got up and walked over to me. He rested his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them gently. I looked at his arms, still feeling horrible. He cupped my face and made me look at him. 

"Well, after this video, you're gonna have way more." I smiled at him, and kissed him. His thumbs rubbed lightly back and forth on my cheeks, sending goosebumos down my spine. He pulled away, and looked me in the eyes. "Want to help me edit this video?" I nod and run over to his computer, stealing his chair. "Hey!" He picked me up from the chair bridal  style, and tossed me on the bed. He pinned me down with his body, wrapping his arms around my waist and squished me against the bed. I tried pushing him off, but alas, he was too strong. He blew raspberries in my stomach, causing me to snort. He looked up and me, smiled, and did it again. He was torturing me, all so he could hear me snort. 

Finally, he let go, and ran over to the computer. "I love you, but I need to get this done!" I roll my eyes. 

"You were the one stalling," I remind him. He ignores me, and begins clicking away. "I love you too, I guess."

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