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AN: Hey guys! Thank you for clicking on this story! There aren't as many BTS x Reader stories as I would like so I decided to try it out myself. I've written a couple stories before (they were really bad in my opinion) so this isn't my first fan fiction but it definitely is my first BTS one. I've decided to put a twist on the usual idol stories and BTS love stories though. It might be a bit confusing at first, especially since I'll keep referencing an incident and won't tell you what it is >;). This prologue is more of a beginning of the story to give it more or a background and give you more incite on the situation the reader is in. Anyways, enjoy! <3

Ever since BTS disbanded and went their separate ways, you found yourself constantly being placed in the same scene of your first meeting with BTS. At first, you had thought your mind was playing tricks on you and created a dream before everything happened. Because of this, you went along with the dream the same way you had the first time and didn't change anything. You had thought that now that it was over you would wake up again to the sick reality. Instead, you found yourself in the same scene once again.

You were not a genius, but you weren't stupid. You knew that at this point, there was no way it was a dream and that somehow you got stuck in a loop that seemed to have no end. You didn't understand, however, why you, someone so insignificant to BTS was placed in the loop constantly. You were just a fan who had been to one of their concerts. You had never even spoken to them. You had never touched them. You only had merchandise and your dreams.

In your second loop, you had tried anything to reach out to them as a fan. You went to more concerts, fan meets, tried reaching out to them via social media. Nothing worked and you found yourself, again in the same scene of them goofing off at one of their concerts, this time tears running down your face.

You loved the band. Their songs had powerful messages that helped you get through tough times in your lives while also sharing their wonderful personalities to the world. You didn't need to be close to them to be happy. Just being able to listen to them and watch their videos was enough for you. You never asked to fix what happened. Yet you still found yourself repetitively at their concert.

The third time, you decided to create a plan before acting. After two attempts of just being a fan, you realized you had to somehow become directly involved with them. You didn't know how. For one, you lived in C/N and although you were Korean (or whatever nationality you want to be; you don't have to be Korean), you did not speak the language and you didn't have enough money to go to Korea and stay there for a long period of time. Deciding to start small, you began to learn Korean the best that you could. Having already realized that the loop wouldn't stop anytime soon and that you kept the same memories from the past loops, earning money for Korea was the least of your worries.

When you were younger, your mother would constantly push you to learn Korean, but she learned quickly that languages did not come quickly to you. After that, she stopped teaching you Korean and focused on other studies with you. By the time you became fluent in Korean, you were at the concert again.

For the fourth time, you began to save as much money as you could. You bought an apartment in Seoul. You applied for a job at BigHit to be an assistant and were accepted. Although you were in the same building as them, never once in the years you worked as an assistant did you ever see BTS. It almost seemed as if a God was playing with you. That no matter how close you got, you would still be too late no matter what.

The fifth time, you began to lose confidence in yourself. You couldn't do this alone and you decided to open up to someone. You told your best friend, Y/F/N. She was another fan of BTS and took a more logical approach to situations then you did. You let your emotions get the best of you and sometimes, even control you. Instead of creating one plan, the two of you created multiple. The first one, you both accomplished by buying VIP tickets to a BTS concert that included meeting them in hopes of being able to stop their decision.

The concert was over and you and your friend were brought to a lounge where you would wait for them.

"Y/F/N, what if this isn't enough?"

Your friend looked at you and smiled sadly. "If this isn't enough Y/N, then you use another one of the plans we made together. One of those might work and if not, maybe you have to find someone else to help you. Even I don't have the answers all the time."

Before you could respond, you heard talking from outside the door before seven figures came through the door. You couldn't believe it. No matter what you had done, you had never been this close to BTS before. It was almost painful to see them smiling. What happened to them later shattered the world. With the large fanbase they had, it seemed as if the light in the lives of a lot of people was gone. The group had sent out messages that affected everyone in some way.

Should I warn them? You thought to look down at your hands. No, that would be weird and they wouldn't believe me. They would only think I'm some crazy girl who had no idea what she was talking about.

"Hey, are you okay?" A concerned voice brought you out of your thoughts as you looked up to find the group looking at you.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine just a bit nervous," You said biting your lip. You had planned meeting up with them, but now that you were, you didn't know what to do. Meeting them was unrealistic. Seeing them so happy was unreal.

"Don't be nervous. We won't bite," Jin joked smiling. He was trying to reassure you but it only made you feel worse.

Jin...I miss seeing him take care of the others and how confident he was. He taught me that loving yourself was important, I thought before smiling.

"Sorry, it's just a bit nerve-wracking to meet you guys."

"Don't worry about it, nerves get the best of us sometimes," RM said.

No matter what happened in the future, I always had the utmost respect for you, for you tried keeping the group together till the end.

You talked about simple topics with the group until the time was up. You hoped for this to stop the loop but you knew deep down that nothing was going to change until you get more involved with them. You were proven right when you entered the sixth loop.

Before you knew it, you were on your fifteenth loop with no results. You had gone through all the plans you and Y/F/N but none of them worked. For this loop, you did nothing. You didn't watch BTS, you didn't buy their merchandise, you pretended they didn't exist. It seemed to you that no matter what you did, you could not get close to them. It was almost as if every time you were close to victory, it was ripped away.

This leads you to think of a new plan. One that might be bizarre but at this point, it was your only option: become a Kpop idol.

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