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☆Anthony A.K.A Ant☆

Friday Night

I had just pulled up to the one of our main warehouses in the East. I made sure I had my gun on me before I got out. I walked up to see two over grown Jack the giant niggas standing at the door.

"Who are you?" One of them asked.

"Your boss nigga. Now move out my way." I said.

"Sorry, but be can't let you in without a card." The other one said. I really don't have time for this shit. I pulled out my phone and called my mama.

"Ma tell these dumb asses at the front that I'm your son and their boss." I said putting her on speaker.

"Bull and Pitt let him in." She said. I hung up. They let me right in. I went up the stairs to the meeting room. I walked in and all heads turned my way.

"Who the hell is that?" Some lil nigga asked. I shot him in the arm. I ask all the questions. My mama just sat there smiling.

"Let's get this shit started." She said.

"You will all address me as boss or sir. I don't take lateness. Unless you have a good reason, you dying, or getting chased by 12. If I find out you lied to me that's your ass. If I say be here by a certain time that's what the fuck I mean. If you one second late that's your ass. I didn't come here to play or get to know any of you on a personal level. If you steal from me I will not hesitate to body your ass male or female. For now on females will wear their hair down and continue working naked or in your bra and panties. As for y'all lil niggas y'all stay in boxers don't nobody need to see no dick flapping and hanging around. Every time you step foot in or out this building you will be searched. Don't walk into my office at any period of the day when I'm here or when I'm not here, without permission. As for y'all females y'all can cut the lustful glares y'all sending me cause it's not going to work. If I feel like you coming on to me I'll shoot you. Let me make this clear I have a wife. Don't try no slick shit. You do your job without a problem and we won't have a problem. Do we have any questions?" I asked. I really don't want to be here.

"Uh sir why do we have to wear our hair down?"

"I see you not to bright. You are to wear your hair down because I don't want y'all to try and steal my shit by hiding it in your nappy ass weave. Let me add don't try and put shit up y'all nasty ass pussy or ass either. Starting tomorrow there will be machines that you will walk through to make sure you not stealing. So even if you think about it you won't get out." I said. No one said anything else.

"If y'all have any more questions let me know and I'll be glad to answer them. Until then get out." They all rushed out the room. I took a seat next to my mom getting straight to work.

"What wife?"

"You'll meet her soon." I said. She might shit bricks when she find out. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out to see a text from Nayla.

"Ma I got to go I'll talk to you later." I kissed her cheek and left.

Within twenty minutes I was knocking on Nayla door. She opened it with a smile.

"Hey bae."

"Hey ma." I said closing the door behind me.

"What y-" I stopped talking when I seen my best fucking friend sitting there smiling at me.

"You gone stand there or you gone dap ah nigga up?" Mess said. I shook my head and we did a bro hug. Damn I haven't seen this nigga in three years.

"Damn it's been a long ass time." He nodded.

"Yeah. How you just up and leave ah nigga like that?"

"Mama made me leave. I didn't want to go, but I didn't have a choice." I said. I see Nayla walk in. I got a good look at what she had on. I had to bit my lip. My baby was looking sexy asf. She walked over to me and I pulled her down on my lap and kissed her.

"Well damn suck her face off. Who-" I pulled away from Nayla looking at who was talking.

"Well I'll be damned if it ain't Mr.IDGAF himself." She said.


"The one and only." She said. We hugged and she went to sit on Mess lap. I was confused.

"Oh yeah they started going out after you left." Nayla said. I nodded. Bout damn time.

"When did you get back? And why y'all kissing?"

"I got back almost two weeks ago and we kissing because we go out."

"About fucking time. Bitch was all depressed since you were gone. I had to deal with her ass the whole time. She acted like you gave her the D. but-" She looked at us for a second. Then she hit the jackpot.

"OMG BITCH! WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Quinta screamed. I couldn't help but laugh at Quinta loud ass.

"I'm sorry bae it happened the night y'all left us alone." She said.

"Oh hold up y'all fucked and you didn't tell me until now?" She asked. Nayla nodded. It look like Quinta wanted to say something, but something stopped her. I looked at Nayla she was looking at Quinta. I wonder what that was about.

Yeah I took her virginity before I left. I'm sorry y'all had to find out like this, but I gave my baby what she wanted even though I didn't tell her I was leaving. That was fucked up on my part, but we worked that out.

"No wonder she was snapping, but didn't tell us the whole story." Mess said. She nodded again.

"Well now that we know let's eat." Nayla said getting up I couldn't help but watch that ass as she walked away.

Something going on everyone acting awkward now. But I let it go. No one would look my in the eye and they knew I hate that.

"Anthony I have something to tell you." I nodded.


"Uhh well you see....." She trailed off using her hands as she began to talk again.

"When you left three years ago something happened that made me snap on you the way that I did because I thought you just used me. Mess went to jail for two years up North and Quinta had moved." What she getting at? She took a breathe but continued.

"I just don't want you to be mad at." She started crying. I pulled her into my lap rubbing her back.

"Tell me." The next thing she told me made my heart stop.

"I had your kids."

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