Chapter 2

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It's been a many months later of our trainee days of an assassin, we've been getting better with our fighting skills and became very well-known throughout the country. The members who were in the organization longer than us didn't have this recognition except Edward. It's all because the easy jobs Edwards gives us that deals with protecting villages. The girls and I were on our way to a town called Shanna, near the capital, where there's another branch of the organization is.

Arriving at the town, there was a stable inn to keep our horses there to be taken care of and looked over. We took a look around, people have their eyes on us, then I walked to a couple of little girls.

"Hey, do you mind telling me where the notice board is at in the town?"

"Only if you promise us to buy both of us apples!" Said the little girl with freckles.

"Sure, lead the way for us to buy you those apples." I gave a sweet smile. The girls nodded their heads and the girl with a pink flower clip, slightly tugged onto my index finger then showing us the way.

"Momoko.." Said Kaoru.

"What? I'm just buying  two apples for two girls. At least it wasn't some sort of huge deal."

We arrived at the stall that sold apples, bread, and vegetables. I buy the girls apples as they showed us the way again to lead us in a huge building like a mansion. The girls left us then we made our way to the notice board where people stood at. As we made our way there, Miyako tapped on a male's shoulder, asking if he would make room for her to see the board yet the male stood there with his jaw opened.

"Dude, you're going to catch flies in your mouth." Said Kaoru as she closed it for him then his eyes widens.

"Y-You girls! Y-You..." Said the male tryin to find his words without causing too much attention around him.

"What's your problem? You going to fight us?" Said Kaoru As she stared at him coldly.

"The black hair woman who has a cold attitude yet sexy!" Stated the male which got the attention of the people around us as he pointed at Kaoru then pointing at me.

"...What the hell?" Said Kaoru as she raised an eyebrow.

"The red hair woman who has a mouth that talks constantly yet a beautiful leader!" Stated the male as the people around us started to be amazed then finally pointed at  Miyako.

"..I don't talk that much.."

"The woman whose hair is a beautiful yellow just like her personality, elegant and kind. Her beauty can make men fall on their knees, women looking up to her, and children will look up to her as the kindest sister." Stated the male as he was crouched into a fake cry.

"..The hell?" I whispered to the girls.

"...The man is crazy..." whispered Kaoru.

"Hah..Thank you for the compliment." Said Miyako as she smiled causing the male to fall flat on the floor so does the people around her.

"..Miyako the killer by smiling.."

"At least we can see the board now. Thanks Miyako." Said Kaoru.

Looking at the board to find another flyer of our organization, just to get a flyer that caught my eye: The Runaway Prince named Nax, silver-white hair and golden eyes. Finding him will get a big reward. -Royal Family's Request. It was oddly intriguing to me, but I'm not interested in the money.

"I found it. Let's go girls." Said Kaoru.

"Girls look at this flyer."

"..Do you want the reward?" Asked Miyako.

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