I Have To Be Dreaming

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I could not believe what i was seeing, with my own two eyes i was looking at the one and only Ansel Elgort. I couldn't catch my breath, he was my hero my everything. " Hey are you alright, it looks like you just saw a celebrity or something..." He said with a smug look on his face. " Ha Ha very funny, but tell me again how did you get my number?" i asked trying to piece everything together. "Well......i kinda get really bored when i am just sitting on set of movies or photo shoots, so i guess it is kind of a ritual to just text people, but as usual they think i'm messing with them and because i barely know how to work FaceTime i was never able to prove that and i guess you were able to be the one and only person that was lucky enough to be apart of my boredom." he said and smiled

" Well thank you for choosing the Kaylee express please keep your hands and feet inside at all times and enjoy my crazy life roller coaster." He started laughing and then he just stopped and looked at me. " What?" i asked " Nothing your just beautiful." He said and then started blushing. " Ahhh classic line from The Fault In Our Stars, next time you should make up your own pickup lines instead of stealing them." I said trying to sound smarter than i seemed. He just smiled and said " I have you know that pick up lines are my specialty." I just started laughing " Whats your full name?" He asked clearly trying to make convo. " Why do you want to stalk me and then kidnap and then chop me into tiny pieces because i'm not going down without a fight."

" Haha nope although that would make a great movie to watch i wanted to know just trying to get to know you." I just smiled a toothy grin.

It was kinda silent for a while as i just sat there and smiled to myself." Why are you still smiling?" he asked with a chuckle. " Oh, it's just that not a lot of people want to get to know me, i pretty much don't have a life, not trying to make it sound like a sad sob story and you should start feeling bad for me but it's nice to know that someone has an interest in me." " You seem like an interesting girl, and you never gave me your name.'' I looked down trying to hide my blushing, because if you ever got to know me, I was the giggly type." My name is Kaylee Angel Winchester."

He looked at me for a second then said, " You look so familiar, where have i seen you before?" I got a nervous look in my face just then and my stomach dared to crawl out of my mouth. " I-i-i-i don't know maybe your thinking of someone else." I said a little too fast " What state are you from" he asked clearly trying to piece everything together. I gulped for air. " Me, I mean I am from Arizona, and now I currently live in California." He looked confused for a second and then he started looking a bit constipated which as weird as it sounded was actually kinda cute. " THE WINCHESTER TRIAL! Your his daughter that's where i saw you from." I was so frightened by what he just said that i just hung up. I didn't even want to talk anymore, that was the one thing I was hoping he didn't find out. Over the next few ours Ansel tried calling back but i just ignored it every single time.


Random Author Fact:

If you have ever seen the movie prisoners with Hugh Jackman than you should know who Dylan Minette is, if you don't look him up, I know Dylan minnete because he is in a band with my cousin called The Narwhals so go check them out on soundcloud or just look them up, but if you can't find them then look up the feaver which was their original band name.

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