Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-Rydel's POV-

We were almost finished when Harry left and didn't return. He had been writing on a piece of paper and I've been kind of curious about it After we finished, I rushed out of the booth towards the paper he had left. I was thinking that maybe it had critiques on it. You know, things to make our sound better. Instead I find a set of 12 numbers, and I smile.

"What does the paper say?" Riker asks.

"Nothing much. It just says that we did a great job and that he can't wait for the album," I reply to him. He slouched off through the door, tired from recording and staying up late last night trying to finish the song with Rocky. They didn't go with their first inspiration for the song, but did agree that I should have a song. So they wrote a song from the girl's point of view.

I didn't want to tell anyone about the 12 digits. Partly because they'll tell me that "Harry's a player." or "Harry's just looking for a one night stand." And I kind of believe them. I mean what with him being in the tabloids so often. I don't want too have that public of a relationship.

But of course it doesn't matter since we're leaving in a couple of hours for Paris. Then, I highly doubt that we'll ever meet again. I stuff the piece of paper into my purse just in case he finds me on Twitter and asks why I never called him, and walk out the door towards the lobby.

"Why don't you just throw that piece of paper out?" Riker asks.

" Do you know how much a sampling of Harry Styles' handwriting would go for on eBay?" I reply not wanting to get found out.

"Whatever," Riker says drained from recording, I walk a little bit slower than then rest of them, just to relish the fact I have a celebrity's phone number. And not any old celebrity, but Harry freaking Styles' phone number."

We walk out the lobby and into the car to take us to a restaurant so we can eat before we get on the plane for France. 

The maitre d' at the Gordon Ramsey restaurant in London seats us at a table of five. Then she proceeds to show our parents and Ratliff's parents to their own tables.

We sit at the table in awkward silence, looking at the menu with the same three choices on it until Ratliff breaks it. "So what are you guys going to have?"

Riker replies instantly after with, "I think I'm going to get the Sea Bass."

"I think I know what the real question around here is," Ross states. "Are you going to call him?"

I choke on the water that I'm taking a sip of, "What?"

"Seriously dude, why would Harry Styles give Delly his phone number," Rocky saks. I stare at him because he just insulted me, I think. "I mean, I'm not saying she isn't pretty or talented enough for him, it's just I don't think she is his type."

"But think back, the way he interacted with Delly after we met him. They went down to the studio arm in arm."

"Yeah but that could just mean nothing," Rocky says.

"I agree with Rocky," I butt in.

"You're just doing that beecause he's taking the side you want," Ross rebuttals. "Tell me why did you save that piece of paper?" 

"Do you know how much a sampling of Harry Styles' handwriting would go for on eBay?" I defend myself.

"She said that same exact thing to me earlier when we left the studio!" Riker says siding with Ross.

"So why did you try to hide it Del?" Ross asks.

"Because I know you guys would have just shot him down!" I yell at them in hushed tones so I wouldn't bring attention to us. "I mean, seriously think, how would you react if I told you I just got Harry Styles' number?" They look at me with blank faces; they know I have a point. "So if you guys could just please give me some room in the dating department, beecause I definitely will not have any suitors if I have you boys breathing down my neck!" 

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