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"He needs perfect"
• • • • • • • • • •
"그는 완벽한 것이 필요하다"

20 minutes past by and Nancy was still on her knees in her bedroom crying her eyes out. Jungkook lightly tapped on the door with his index finger.

"Nancy...come out need to eat. And we can talk about this. Things will get better I promise. Please come out here." She staggered to her feet, swaying slightly towards the wall due to the headache that was starting to form. Yanking the door open, soft creaking sounds coming from the wood. Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around her tightly, pushing his face into the crook of her neck.

"Hearing you cry like that breaks me to pieces...just talk to me when you are upset so I can help. I know my mom can be a pain sometimes but it doesn't matter what she thinks. I love you so much and you mean the world to me." Nancy slipped her arms around him causing him to lift his head so she could nuzzle her face into his neck. Her hands gripping onto the back of his shirt to keep him from moving.

"Come on." Jungkook intertwined the fingers after pulling free from the hug and guided her to the kitchen. Two plates rested on the table that carried eggs, bacon, toast and some orange juice.

"Remember you have an appointment on Saturday to see if the baby is growing well. I'll be with you the entire time." Nancy cleared her throat and brought her attention to Jungkook. Walking over to the wooden seat and rest her body in it so she could begin eating.

"Alright, do you have to work before or are you going to be home?" Their eyes met for a split second but soon the contact was broken, he gently poke his food with the tip of his fork.

"I should be home." Next thing she knew, Jungkook was already done eating from shoving all the food in his mouth and chugging on the orange juice.

"But I've got to go to the office now. I'll see you when I get home. I love you." He came over to Nancy and stared into her beautiful brown eyes before leaning down and placing a light kiss on her forehead. Nancy was a bit tensed knowing that she would be here all by herself with nobody to help take care of her, making her vulnerable to any accidents that may occur. She listened to the sounds he made while rummaging through the house. When he was gone she took this time to clean and tidy things up.

Nancy grabbed her phone and plopped onto the couch. Trying figure out where her boyfriend is since he was supposed to get home an hour ago, she sent him a text.
• • •

Jungkook, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

My Love❤️:
I'm sorry sweetheart I just got caught up in some work. My dad needed me to discuss a project we are working on. I'll be home soon, then I'll be al yours I promise.

Fine. But you better be here soon because I waited a long time for you to come home.

My Love❤️:
I will.
• • •

Nancy rested her head on the couch cushion and kept her eyes locked on the blank TV screen. She hasn't moved since he left, not having enough energy to move her body. Her eyes wondered the room trying to give herself motivation to stand up but nothing worked. Nancy had been waiting hours on end till night fell. Feeling uneasy over how late Jungkook was, and the call she received earlier, but she tried not to jump to conclusions. She felt exhausted but managed to keep herself awake long enough to see him when he enters the house.

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