Gates And Portals

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Sanctuary Gates

Main point of entry. Established bridge between human and offworld realms. Static location.

The Rock Gate

On the edge of The Mountain Plain, guarded by a Sigil. Static location.

The Forest Gate

Boundary Gate in Parvale Forest, used mainly by Elves and the Fae. Movable location.

The Mountain Pass

Seamless barrier to The Sanctuary for those who know the path from The Mountain Village. A brief shimmer along a remote road for those who aren't aware of its existence and pass through it.

The Kitchen Portal

An anomaly of folded space, realms and time, used for sourcing/purchasing, preparing, serving and delivering all food and drinks, catering for the varied and often exclusive inhabitants of The Sanctuary.

Rift Space

The energy laden "between" of realms. Accessible only by created portal. Contains energy essence of the Dire Wolf, Killian.

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