The Great Tree Spirits

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Title: The Great Green
Span: Four realms
Description: Oldest resident of the Sanctuary, and home to The Spirit Nexas.
Contains: Balcony - Self created dining area outside the main trunk. The Bathing Pool - Water catchment chambers partially within the main trunk, partial dome structure, can be open air. Kalanar's Keep - Living quarters and The Lattice observatory. Staircase and Foyer - Spiral walkway leading to a central hub. Entrance lined with dragon skin so items left there are not eaten by Aris'tama.

The Great Red

Title: The Great Red
Span: Two realms
Description: Central to Parvale Forest, source of Ichnalia.
Contains: Red Reception Hall - only point of contact to the Great Tree Spirit. Lord Erynion's Tree House - Reformed sapling of The Great Red, multi level living quarters. Parvale Forest - Collective consciousness of the Great Red, location of paths and trails through the forest itself. The Forest Gate - Movable access point between realms within Parvale. (See "Gates and Portals") The Elven Village - Mini realm of the Elves and the Fae. (See "Houses, Buildings & Structures")


Title: The Great Lavender
Span: Own realm, connecting to all the other Tree Spirits.
Description: ((Pending))
Contains: Heartstone - Central hub. The Canopy - Woven network of rooms and living quarters.

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