IV: A Phantom

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Frantically looking back at the two men, Cole's fangs retract and he stands up. A huge weight is lifted off of my heart as he is no longer inches away from my neck and face. On the contrary, Thanatos is glued to his seat, his eyes low and deadly. My lips fall open, but before I can even think of something to say, Cole has beaten me to it.

"How do you of that name..." his words are slow, his voice deep with suspicion and slightly sprinkled with anger.

The carriage began to heat up like a furnace, their body temperatures high.

"Effie... she ran into me after you guys left the village-" my brain was spiraling. Her basket had fallen open on the road! I had to see if she was somewhere near. I feared for the worst. "-she's the one who suggested my name be Petunia."

I quickly stood, my body unsure on how to get out of the carriage with Thanato's and Cole's large masses in the way. It wasn't until my brain began to think rationally that I realized I wasn't getting out of this vessel without going through two people who just minutes ago wanted me dead. And probably still do.

"Please, I have to see if she's okay! Her basket of bread-"

Thanatos now stands, his actions causing my words to fumble back into my mouth. His presence is just as strong as Cole's, if not stronger in this moment. Their stances cause me to fall back down into my seat. The sudden movement causes the carriage to stop, the knights, however do not interrupt.

"What was this woman's appearance?" Thanatos asks, but as I look into his eyes, it feels like he already knows what I am about to say.

"What does that-" I stop, the men too intimidating to disobey. "She has brown hair, and when I saw her she was wearing it up in a tight bun. She wore a long, thick brown dress that fell below her feet. And she was carrying a basket of bread that is now laying on the ground!" I throw my hand towards the window of the carriage. "That must mean something is wrong! Please."

The brothers share a look.

"It's impossible." Thanatos says. "It can't be-"

My eyes flash between their faces, both furrowed in confusion and anger. Why do they seem so hung up on who Effie is, rather than her possible encounter with danger? It make no sense to me. But then again, not a lot of things do.

Cole's disorientation and displeasure get the best of him and before I know it, he's standing over my seat.

"Maybe you are a filthy spy. A really dumb one." He growls, alluding to something that he thinks I know.

My heart drops into my stomach. "What?"

"Quit playing coy." He peers down at me.

His anger must of fallen down onto me, because I can feel my throat burning. I've done nothing intentionally wrong and all this cruelty is really getting to me. I stand to meet his height but lack a good five inches.

"I'm tired of being accused of things! If anything, you guys are the frauds. Lying to your whole country about who... no, what you are." I am looking up at him, finding my voice.

Cole's nostrils flair, resentment in his eyes. "Your tongue should be cut from your throat, speaking to a member of the royal family like that."

"How can I be punished for rules I don't even know of!" I burst, my arms throwing themselves into the air. By now, I am fully dry and I let Thanatos's jacket fall into my seat.

Thanatos steps in, suddenly giving me somewhat of an explanation for their actions. "You're describing our sister," he says. "Effie."

I am dumbfounded for a moment. How could they be related? She was so kind and compassionate, and they are the exact opposite. Cole entirely. My brain clicks into overdrive and a million different questions are racing through my mind. Was she also a vampire? Why did her clothing and physique not match their royal ones?

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