Chapter 22 - Harry's P.O.V:

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Yeah, I'm not a sciencey person, I recently got moved from top set to the second top set, so if this can't or won't happen, please just pretend it will, I don't know any other way to do this.

Vote Comment and Fan!!

Oh and this one's gonna be a little shorter than usual, but, I don't think theres a cliff hanger, so be greatful!! :P *Cough* Inverted Dimples *Cough*

Sarah(: x


My heart dropped when the doctor, what was his name again?, said there was bad news, "Should we wake up Louis so he can hear it now?" I asked, Zayn shook his head, and signalled for the doctor to proceed in his speech, but soon me and Zayn both got lost within what he was saying.

I stared at him for a moment, then looked at the other boys, and Liam's face was pale and he looked scared, "Yeah, right, so English now?" Zayn asked, and I looked over towards Liam, he stuttered for a moment, "Well, uh- Niall lost a lot of brain cells and when he dropped, he hit his head a lot, causing him to accumulate a contusion which is a severe bruise on his brain, and he just about has enough brain cells now to have a working brain..." Liam sniffed, wiping away a tear from his cheek.

"If he loses any more brain cells, his brain will shut down, because you can't renew or get a transplant on brain cells once they are offically dead, and the rest of his body parts and organs will start to shut down, his lungs, kidneys all of those important things. If that happens, he will eventually... die." Liam whispered the last part, not bothering to clear away the steady stream of tears on his face.

"Can I see him?" Zayn whispered, looking down at Louis, cuddling him close. The doctor smiled, nodding, "Although he must be quite damaged, he managed to wake up as soon as possible, Mr Horan is strong." Doctor waited for us to get up, I looked upwards at Zayn, he nodded, showing I was aloud to come to, so I stood up next to him, "Want me to take Lou?"

Zayn shook his head, and followed the Doctor along a long corridor and around the corner, and into a single room, I looked at the little blonde in the bed, and this is the only time I have ever seen him looking defeated, "You alright, Nialler?" I whispered, pulling a chair next to his bed, stroking his arm.

Niall smirked, "You should know my answer, I jumped off a cliff, Hazza." Zayn put Lou down on a chair and made sure he would be in a comfortable position so he couldn't complain for when he woke up and Zayn looked over to Niall.

Niall looked away, looking towards me and he smiled. Zayn walked over to him, leaning on the bed and he held Niall's chin so that Niall had to face Zayn. I didn't know what to do, should I say something?

They stared at each other, both of them were crying, Zayn leaned forwards and pressed his lips lightly to Niall's for 3 seconds, then pulled back slightly, "Why would you do this to me?" Zayn whispered, resting his forehead against Niall's, "I wanted to prove to her I wasn't weak, that I could jump."

Zayn shook his head, "You care about what she thinks of you? Oh God, I thought I lost you, I got so scared, even Liam started crying, why the hell would you listen to her? Niall, you know I love you!" Niall did a small nod, "I love you too... I'm sorry, she just.. just said that no one loves me, not even Louis or Harry, so I believed her, you know I'm that gullible.."

Liam walked in, amiling at what he saw between Zayn and Niall and he hugged both of them being careful as to not hurt Niall, "So? How do you feel? What hurts?" Liam asked, flicking a little bit of Niall's hair.

"Everything, my head the most. Also my ankle, I remember twisting it on the way down." Liam nodded, "Yeah, fractured it, head is bad too, you should be fine, as long as you don't stop breathing for over five seconds, you'll lose one brain cell per five seconds. Just sayin'."

"Nerd.." Louis muttered, then shifted in his seat, rolling off of the chair and standing up, joining in the cuddle, and I grinned as he pulled me into it too, "My potatoes. Hehe, Niall and the Potatoes. We're cool!" Niall laughed.

Things continued like that throughout the day, nurses came in to check on Niall, therefore me and Louis got in trouble for sitting on his bed, but we continued to do it because we're reckless. Around 2 am in the morning, Louis and Liam went to get food for all of us, and Zayn went toilet leaving me and Niall to playing the alphabet game.

"J for Jeydon!" Niall exclaimed, and I laughed, trying to think of a boys' name with J...

"Uhh... Jonathan?"




"LOUIS!!" I grinned, heh, good thing my boyfriend is called Louis, I would be completely clueless for any other names, "Aha, nice one, that one didn't take you 3 minutes!" Niall laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes, "I love Louis, how can I not use his name? Oh and Ni.. Why does Lou call you his brother?"

"'Cause I am his brother... How do you know he calls me his brother?" Niall raised a eye brow at me, "Maybe because he kept on saying 'my little brother' when Zayn called us to come up to the hospital?"

"Jheez, no one is meant to know, I'm not his biological brother though, which I am greatful for really." I half smiled, "Niall, he actually thought he lost you, he cried the second I told him you were in here!"

When I told Louis, he burst out laughing, thinking I was joking, then when I didn't laugh along with him, he burst into tears, asking if Niall was okay and what happened, I told him I didn't know and he dragged me out of the shop and got into my car, driving to the hospital.

Niall laughed, "He thought you were joking? Total twat!" I laughed along with Niall, until Zayn came back, staring at us like we were mentally retarded, because neither of us could form a sentence.

Life goes on for now....


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