Found Another Case!

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Sam and Dean enter their dusty motel room filled with hamburger wrappers and old candy bars, the boys are back from finishing their latest and most popular case. Demons.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again. Those demons are a pain in my ass." Dean sighs flopping onto a neatly made bed.

Sam chuckles sitting on the bed next to him.

"Have you talked to Cas lately?" Sam asks turning to his brother.

"Nope, but we should really get that guy a bell. The last time he poofed himself inside here, he was in the shower. With me." Dean shuddered at the memory.

"Well, start praying. I'm going to look forsome more cases." Sam walks over to his laptop and starts searching.

"Really Sam? Have you been mixing your coffee with RedBull." Dean sits up

"What? No." Sam's eyes glance over at Dean and then back to the laptop.

"We just got back from a two hour drive, been punch, kicked and I'm pretty sure one of those sons-a-bitches bite me. I think it was the blonde, she looked like a frisky one."

"What's your point Dean?" Sam looks at Dean, his face hard and serious.

"You need some rest man, it ain't healthy."

"Coming from the guy who lives off of pie, cheeseburgers and sex." Sam shuts his laptop.

" Sex is exercise, pie has fruit, cheeseburgers have vegetables. Bam food rectangle." Dean gives Sam a small half smirk.

"That's the food pyramid Dean. And sex is not exercise it's Satyriasis." Sam corrects.

"Pyramid, rectangle same thing." Dean brushes Sam's answer off.

"It really isn't."

"Just get some beauty rest Princess. Cus' it looks like you need it." Dean chuckles as he kicks off his shoes and pulls the covers over his head.

Sam ignores Dean's witty remark and falls onto the bed. His eye-lids become too heavy and he soon slips into unconsciousness.

"Sammy!" Dean shouts in Sam's face.


"What?" Sam says bitterly. He sits up and glances at window and then the clock, it read 9:39 AM.

"I found a case." Dean's famous smirk made Sam feel uneasy.

Sam rubs his eyes.

"Well, what is it?" He asks groggily

"Mystic Falls resident Margaret Cassidy's body was discovered by husband Jonah Cassidy nearly a few hours after hearing a wail a mile away from their camping base, authorities say it was another 'animal attack.' That have killed four others this week.'" Dean narrates.

"Mystic Falls?" Sam chuckles.

"Yes Sam, Mystic Falls a place where people ride unicorns instead of cars. I'm sure you'll fit right in."

Sam glares at a smirking Dean.

"I was able to hack into the Police Data Base and ther-"

"You did what?" Sam chuckled interrupting Dean.

Dean looks to Sam with a blank stare.
"I'm not stupid Sam."

"Dean you don't even know what Facebook is?" Sam protests

"It's a live porn site."

Sam shakes his head trying not to laugh.

"Would you just shut up and let me finish."

Sam nods holding back giggles.

"There's been several deaths this month not including the four deaths this week. All Vic's died from blood loss, literally empty."

"So what do you think? Vamps?" Sam asks pulling on his boots.

"I wouldn't say vamps." Dean paces.

"Why not?"

"They share the same murder pattern, throats ripped out, body drained, blah, blah, blah. But get this...All the killings happened during the day, and each body was taken from the morgue. All 12" Dean hands Sam the police report.

"Maybe super-vamps?" Sam's asks as his eyes scan the article.

"Or witches."

"Why witches?" Sam asks

"Like blood rituals, missing bodies sounds like satanic sacrifice to me. Not to mention the upcoming lunar eclipse that just happens to be on Friday the 13th. "

Sam nods. "Yeah I guess."

"Hey bet you a beer and lunch on my Bell Witch versus your super-vamps, on crack." Dean jokes.

"A little morbid, Dean."

Dean shrugs.

"So now we investigate -"

"Yeah about that." Dean cuts Sam off.

"What?" Sam stands up towering over Dean.

"I'm switching up the story line a little."


"Congratulations Sammy your going to college." Dean chuckles.


"What!" Dean shouts.

"Sorority chicks, parties, booze! You're lucky I gave you a chance to relive your glory days. Not to mention it took me a while to forage your enrolment."

"Harvard wasn't that glorious Dean." Sam argues.

"Oh right you didn't have real fun in school. I can make this sound more appealing... Dusty books, classes, homework. How does that sound."

"I'm not that guy anymore." Sam continues.

"Just have some fun Sam. You deserve it."

"I have plenty of fun." Sam says angrily

"Really Sam. Cus' fun isn't playing online chess or being a demons punching bag. You should be getting laid!"

"Pfft. I get laid." Sam crosses his arms offended.

Dean bursts out laughing.

Sam glares at Dean as he catches his breath.

"Virtual sex doesn't count." Dean says still laughing.

"Let's just get this job done and move on to the next one." Sam says still angry

"Sam. We have been working non-stop on this Cas, angels and demons crap. It's time we have a little fun on the job."

"Who says you cant mix business with pleasure." Dean carries on as he pulls his brown leather jacket over his shoulders.

"Um, how about anyone whose ever owned a successful business." Sam argues.

"Shut up! I didn't ask for your opinion." Dean snapped, taking the keys to his car.

"You have 10 minutes to look hot, if your not done by then you can walk to Majestic Falls."

"It's Mystic you jerk." Sam mutters.

"Bitch!" Dean shouts closing the motel door.

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