The Pursuit Of Stefan Salvatore

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Caroline Forbes: pretty, smart, kind, honest, well-organized, and very ambitious. What's not to like?

Even though she can have any guy she wants, and many guys want her, but there's only one boy this bubbly blonde wants desperately, Stefan Salvatore.
She gave him up when he rooted for Elena, but now he's single, they're close and she is ready to try the other brother.

After everyone had left, and Stefan had given up his search for Damon, Caroline thought it would be a good time to get passed the friend zone with Stefan. So she stayed in the rustic living room of the Salvatore Boarding House with Stefan.

She searches for a good book in the bookshelf. Stefan watches the fire dancing in the giant dark marble fireplace.

"What's your favourite book?" Caroline asks attempting small talk.

"Not now Caroline." He answers still staring into the fire.

"Well, mine is currently The Fault In Out Stars." She says skipping over to join Stefan in the centre of the living room.

"What?" Stefan asks confused and turns to face her.

"You know two really good friends fall in love they face a lot of struggles together which includes their own fatal mortality, but they love each other unconditionally."
She explains, attempting to make connections to her relationship with Stefan. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand.

"Wait. That cancer movie?" Stefan smirks.

"It's romantic." She argues. Irritated by his interpretation of the movie.
She shakes it off. "I wish I had someone who loved me as much as Hazel and Augustus loved each other."

"Where do you think Damon is? It's almost dawn." Stefan worries, ignoring Caroline's obvious hints.

"I don't know. Sulking maybe, probably drunk." "So have you ever thought of someone recently in a way you haven't before, like you might be interested in a really good friend?" She hints some more.

"We should go look for him," Stefan says grabbing his hoodie from the couch.

Caroline clenches her jaw. This guy does not get subtle hints. Go drastic or go back to the friend zone.

"Wait for me!" She shouted, running after Stefan.

They got into his red 1963 Porsche 356 Karmann Coupe.

They began to drive throughout Mystic Falls when the sun began to rise.

"The sunrise is so romantic. Don't you think?" She smiles at him.

"Not when your brother's life is at risk," Stefan answers staring out his window looking frantically for his brother.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asks confused.

Stefan said with a heavy sigh. "When Damon killed those kids by the Wickery Bridge, he dropped his ring somewhere. I wasn't able to find it."

"What!" Caroline shouts a little too loud.

Stefan is too busy looking for Damon, he wasn't phased by Caroline's dramatic outburst.
Caroline could see the worry in Stefan's face, it must be bad if Stefan can't hold his poker face.

"Maybe he's looking for his ring, let's check the crime scene," Caroline suggests.

Stefan gives her a thankful nod, and then speeds along the road in search for Damon.

They run out into the woods and enter the crime scene but Damon is nowhere to be seen.
It's about 7 in the morning and thankfully it's a rainy day, but this didn't stop Stefan's worry, because if Damon wasn't looking for his ring he was either luring women to their death or planning to kill Elena's new love interest.

"Let's go," Stefan demanded, both of them soaking from the heavy rain.

Caroline jogged after him.
When they got back to the car, Stefan tried reaching Damon's cell phone, but there was no answer.

Stefan drives through the empty parking lot at Whitmore and pulls over.

"Why'd you stop?" Caroline asks as Stefan's hands tighten around the steering wheel.

"What's up with you Caroline?" Stefan looks over. Although Stefan knew Caroline was developing feelings for him, which made him feel both excited but scared at the same time.

"What -- do you mean?" She asks nervously avoiding eye contact.

Stefan rubs his face. "There's something you're not telling me, so tell me."


Frustrated by the entire situation Stefan lashes out.
"I'm sorry Caroline, but I need you to get out of the car." He interrupts harshly.

Caroline stares at him wide-eyed. "What?"

"I need to do this alone, I'm sorry." He apologizes once again.

"But I can help.." She croaked.

"The most you can do for me right now is watch over Sam and Elena."

Caroline felt a lump in her throat harden, as she stepped out of Stefan's car.

She watched him speed away, causing her to tear up, the water stinging her eyes.

What did she do wrong?

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