Welcome To Mystic Falls

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Sam and Dean drive into the heart of Mystic Falls, which didn't look very mystical, just another boring town in the middle of nowhere.

"Oh God. Sam!" Dean shouts, waking Sam from his cat nap.

"What! What!" Sam jolts looking around the car.

"A freaking pie festival! I love this place." His grin widens.

"Seriously?" Sam rolls his eyes.

Dean pulls into the Mystic Falls Hospital parking lot.

"When did you throw on the tux?" Sam asks rubbing his eyes still sleepy.

"You slept the entire ride, I bought it on the way." Dean answered as he adjusts his tie.

Sam unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Whoa whoa, hang on there Fabio Lanzoni." Dean laughs.

"Really Dean?"

"Yeah really. I need you to stay here and take care of baby; besides your awkwardness makes people feel uncomfortable."

"What?" Sam shakes his head confused.

"Just pass me my badge, will ya." Dean asks stepping out of the Impala.

Sam opens the glove compartment and retrieves Dean's alias.

"James Morrison?" Sam chuckles.

"Shut up. I ran out of options."

Dean enters the Hospital and walks up to the front desk to speak to the busty hot blonde receptionist behind it.

"Well hello," He winks.

She giggles. "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Uh, Agent James Morrison, FBI." Dean blushing, struggles to show her his badge.

"Stacy Peterson." She gazes at him, her face leaning into her hands.

"Well Stacey, I suggest we go to my place for some under-cover work." Dean flirts.

Stacey giggles.
"Well I do think your suit would look great at the end of my bed."

Dean wide eyed swallows, her response had one night stand written all over it, and obviously Dean wasn't objecting.

She begins to write down something on a sticky note when the Sheriff walks in.

Stacey's seductive look quickly changes as she peers over Dean's shoulder, at Sheriff Liz Forbes.

"How are you today Sheriff?" She asked.

"Just fine Stacey, how's ?" Liz replies.

Lana returns to her work

"Can I help you?" Liz asks her hands on her belt.

"I'm Agent James Morrison. FBI." He flashes his badge in her face before putting back into his jacket pocket.

"What is the FBI doing in Mystic Falls?" She crosses her arms.

"I'm here about the deaths that occurred this past week."

"Of course. Follow me" Liz notices the files in his hand but has trouble reading the labels.

Lana quickly slides the yellow sticky note across the counter. Dean stuffs the sticky note inside his pocket.

Dean follows Liz to the Morgue.

Dean slips the green gloves onto his hands.

"Why is the FBI interested in an animal attack?" Liz asks as she pulls out Alison Cassidy's body.

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