Sarah's story

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Sarah was an only child, she never really had a lot of friends in first school

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Sarah was an only child, she never really had a lot of friends in first school. She got bullied for braces, not a lot of money, not a lot of friends. Her young life wasn't the greatest.

Her Mam,, Emma She would always be out, partying, drinking, spending money on shite, never spending time with her daughter

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Her Mam,, Emma
She would always be out, partying, drinking, spending money on shite, never spending time with her daughter.
The only time Sarah would get to spend with her Mam was taking care of her when she was hungover or returning home drunk.
Like I said Sarah didn't have a great life.

Sarah grew, gained friends, gained beauty, even gained popularity. She was a dancer, a star dancer. Always doing her best, never letting anyone down.
Until one day, she starting following boys on ig (instagram), starting thinking about boys, starting to get crushes, boyfriends, first kiss, more.

She met a boy, warren, caring, helpful.

They would go on holiday with each other's parents

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They would go on holiday with each other's parents.

They would go on holiday with each other's parents

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They would go on dates often.
They loved each other.
She became 16 he became 20.
One day he came home from work, grabbed her  waist pulled her in, there eyes sparked there was a connection there a real one. There lips touched each other's. The kiss lasted long. She jumped up on to his waist he carried her. They weren't ready but the loved each other to much to not so they did it.

Read on to now what happens next 💞🤩💞

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