The drunk mother

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Sarah was left alone again, her Mam was out all night and didn't return till the next day. When her Mam came crashing through the door Sarah was terrified. Sarah had always been an anxious person. Her Mam was shouting "get here now you little shit!" Sarah would always get shouted at for nothing even though she would take care of her and not the other way.
As Emma came barging through the door she held a bottle of echo falls and Smirnoff vodka in the other. She was a drunk mess. Sarah was frightened, anxious, scared, helpless. She always wanted to leave, she tried to overdose herself and drowned in the bath her Mam still doesn't know "she probably doesn't care" she says to herself. She was wrong. Time passed, sarah changed, Sarah went to live with her dad, life was way better, he had money, time, food, an opportunity for Sarah, sarah took that opportunity but made it in to her own.

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