1-The First Sign Of Snow

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I woke up to the feel of snowflakes on my nose. When I peeled my eyes open, I realized that I was in my usual sleeping space. It was at an old grade school park, my old grade school park. The school was deserted. It went bankrupt after we-Me and Niall-finished eighth grade. My 'usual sleeping space' was a coral color slide with the top ripped off . Although comfy, it wasn't the best place when it rained or snowed. My guess was that it was about eight A.M. so I got up and shook the little bit of snow off that was on me. It looked like flour that was on a bakers floor. It was so powdery, I knew that I would regret it afterwards. But I had to. I layed down on my back-side and made a snow angel. Small flakes greeted my nose and made it turn red. I looked up and tried to make shapes out of the clouds. Afterwards I tried to make contact with the angels in the sky. More importantly, my mother, father, and my baby brother. I started with my baby brother. "H-h-hello, J-Jadyn." I sniffled. "You have no idea of how much I miss you." Just then I started to whisper to a familiar tune."R-rock a? Rock a-by baby o-o-n the tree tops." Then instead I hummed the song. Since it was the only way to ever get him to sleep at night, I figured by singing it that he would rest in peace. It's cheesy, I know, but can you blame me?

Next was my father. "Da.....d? C-can you hear me? Well I-I-I," I honestly couldn't find the words to say. It was too heart-breaking. I had a sharp pain in my head, and a huge lump in my throat. " I'm sorry that I'm such a screw-up," I took a deep breath, trying to swallow down the lump in my throat."U-u-unworthy to be called your child, unworthy to live. I-I-I should be up there, better yet, I should be down there. I wish that I either got sick like Mum, or died in a car accident. L-like y-you." I sniffled and sighed. Time for my mother who died when I was sixteen, about a year before my father and Jadyn, my baby brother. Actually a few days after Niall left.

I had no idea of what to say to her. We lost our house after my mother died. The bank actually took it away. So I just thought for a moment, and then it hit me.Three easy words to remember. Three easy words to say. Three hard words to mean. But three words that I could never forget.

"I love you." I whispered into the now fully risen sun. "Forever, and always."

"If I lay here, if I just lay here. Would you lay with me, and just forget the world? I don't quite know. How to say, how I feel. Those three words are said to much, they're not enough." I kept singing, but it came out as a whisper.

I kept thinking to myself, as I started to shiver in the snow, how he had it all, and I had nothing.




I got up and examined the scenery. It was cloudy, every inch of the sky was covered in grey clouds. Except for the sun. I looked around, I was completely alone. I decided to go for a walk. I looked at the white topped trees, and the beautiful houses all lined up in this peaceful neighborhood, until I found two familiar addresses. Mine and Niall's! He lived next door, and that's sorta how our friendship blossomed. At first my mom and dad made me, but then we just randomly started hanging out.

I wish maybe that I didn't have it all, but a nice flat, warm clothing, and an explanation from Niall, that would be amazing.

Just then, as I was walking, someone bumped into me. He had brown curly hair, and seemed familiar. "Y-your Harry-" I was interrupted be a warm hand being clamped over my mouth.

I removed it. "Jeez, it's not like I was going to shout it..." I huffed.

"You look familiar....." He awkwardly stated ignoring my last comment.

"I highly doubt it." I stated matter-of-factly.

He smirked and started to walk away, wiggling his fingers signaling for me to follow.

"Soo.... What are you doing here? In Dublin?" I asked running my fingers through my hair.

"Well, Niall-" I cut him off.

"HORAN?" I screamed.

He looked at me wide-eyed and hesitated before answering. "Y.......Yes?" It came out as a question.

I gave a small smirk.

Something big and really bright blinded both of us. Oh no... I thought in my head, paparazzi.

"Hurry um who ever you are, into the black van!" Harry screamed.

I was still slightly blinded but took his hand and ran like there was no tomorrow. Well..... With these crazy fans, there might not be....

We jumped, literally, jumped into the van for safety. The driver yelled at Harry about how he should've stayed with the group, and about how he should've answered his phone, yadda-yadda-ya. I zoned out. I hadn't realized that the other boys were in the car until one wearing strips poked me.

"Hi. What's your name? How old are you? Favorite color? Food? Brand of underwear? How far along are you in your menstrual cycle?Do you like carrots? I hate those little bastards. I like your hair, do you like mine?'' The questions and the almost answers just got creepier.

Thanks to a black haired hunk, he stopped. "Lou! You're going to damage the girl!" He said, I thought that he was my savior, but instead, "Answers?" He stated with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes and ignored them. Louis spoke to Zayn quietly. Other than that, besides Harry speaking to Paul, it was pretty quiet. Niall wasn't in the car.

Then a boy that later on I learn is Liam, looks at me smiling. "Aye." He says. "You look familiar." He bites his lip.

"That's what curly over there said. But how can I, a person as famous as an ant, be known by such a pop sensation?" I gestured to my clothes. "I.... I don't even have a house."

He instantly went into protective mode and asked, "You're homeless? That's bloody awful. We outta let you stay with us." He said while smiling.

"Well.. Uh I don't kno-" I said being cut off by Harry.

"I think that's a great Idea. But maybe we should take you shopping first, where did you get your coat, because It's not nearly warm enough." He said in a friendly way.

"Well I cannot afford designer Mr.Pop-Star-Sensation." I said sassily annoyed. Though The bandmates were nice, They were just like Niall. They get whatever they want, and surly cannot take no for an answer. It's like they're throwing their money in my face like I'll stay with them because they're going to buy me clothes. 

He held his hands up in defeat and Louis spoke up, "She's got a temper and enough Sass to go around London. Wadda ya say Ms.Stranger-Sass-Queen?"

"Wait, hold up. This is not going to be some cliche thing where you let a stranger into your house and you all end up falling inlove with me and fight over me, then I leave, you try to find me, stalk me, and then some how someone ends up stark Naked in a pool full of Jelly Fish?" I questioned as serious as possible.

Everyone erupted into fits of laughter and Zayn spoke up,"We are keeping her, and Somehow I know Liam will end up Naked." Causing me and everyone including Liam to laugh.

"Alright alright," Liam said trying to catch his breath. "So how 'bout that shopping trip?" He said smiling.

Then Louis added, "Do you know where to go or should we pick the place?"

"I'm homeless, not a freaking Hobo." I said sarcastically. Everyone giggled abit. "Well," I started,"Maybe somewhere less occupied, since the simple fact you guys got mobbed just minutes earlier."

"Sooo," Zayn said, "Like Target?"

"Well since it's a Monday and most children should be at school, why not." I smiled.

"It's settled then!" Harry spoke up. And we began our two hour ride to one of the less populated parts of town full of jokes, giggles, secret telling, and sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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