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He pulled the door open, revealing taehyung standing behind wearing a small smile.
he returned the smile before pulling him into a brief hug, hands resting on his hips.
"taehyung! come in, sorry its a bit of a mess i was just tidying up. make yourself at home."

he stepped back as taehyung walked past him to sit on the sofa, glancing around at its interior.
"hey, kook, its a nice place you've got. how do you manage to keep an apartment like this? it must be expensive being near the city centre."

"yeah, must be." jungkook called from the kitchen. "but i know the person that owns it.
nice guy, owes me a favour, so. ah, do you want a drink?" he poked his head out of the kitchen, meeting his gaze briefly.

"umm.. yeah, sure. i'll take a coke if youve got one."
jungkook nodded, grabbing two cans from the fridge before sitting down next to taehyung on the sofa, stretching an arm out along the back rest that taehyung then leaned against .

he opened his mouth to say something when a cough came from behind him.
"yoongi! shit, sorry i forgot you were here."
"yes, i noticed." the other said, glaring at the two of them.
he extended a hand out to taehyung.
"hey! we met before. i'm yoongi."
taehyung shook it before starting,
"hey! im-"
"-gay, i know. we all are. jungkook, since your boyfriend is here i'll be leaving. i'd rather the pure image i have of you stays pure."
"and make sure you use protection!" he sang, grinning as the door slammed behind him.

jungkook rolled his eyes. "i'm sorry about him. but now youre here, what do you want to do?"

"whatever you want, i dont mind. im just happy to be here with you." taehyung replied, shuffling along so that jungkook could rest his head on his shoulder.
"lets watch some movies." he suggested, looking up at taehyung. "its too cold to go outside." he pouted, staring into his lap.
"awwwww- its okay we can watch some movies and be warm inside." taehyung said, cupping the youngers chin with one hand.
"look, i'll make popcorn. sweet or salted?"
"sweet." jungkook replied, fishing underneath the sofa cushion for the remote, making a small noise of accomplishment when he found it.
"okay. pick a film."
he walked over to the kitchen, humming as he did so.
listening to the sound of taehyung looking through the cupboards, he quickly decided on one, and sitting back contentedly as he did so.

he sat, waiting for taehyung on the sofa with the films he chose on his lap.
he had chosen twilight in hope that they could watch all of them, meaning taehyung would stay for longer.
he came to sit down, sliding across so that jungkook was leant against him.
"twilight?" taehyung bit back a laugh, meeting jungkooks eyes.
"yes. its good." he muttered.
okay. kookie, put it on and we'll watch it. but you have to tell me who the people are because i wont remember." taehyung smiled, pinching his cheeks.


they ended up watching 3/5 movies, as jungkook had grown tired and resorted to stretching out across the sofa. his head was rested in his lap as taehyung stroked his hair, smiling down at him.
he had spent the first 2 hours sat on the edge of the seat hiding behind a cushion and narrating everything onscreen for taehyung, excitedly anticipating the 'big moments' and what taehyungs reaction would be.
they then after decided to intercept the convective twilight marathon with a different movie, of taehyungs choice.
it was the conjuring, to jungkooks dismay. he suspected it was a ploy in getting jungkook to sit closer to him, but let it pass.
the majority of the duration of the movie was spent with jungkooks head buried in taehyungs neck, his arms wrapped tightly around the olders waist; and taehyungs hand covering his ears.
when the third movie started, jungkook was growing tired- the dark orange glow that tinted the sky illuminated and doused the room in a soft light.
taehyung had smiled, brushing jungkooks dark curls off of his forehead, watching the shadows of his eye lashes flicker against his skin.

the movie was forgotten- the picture in front of him was more encapsulating.
he shifted in his seat, moving his legs so that jungkook was more comfortable, resulting in his avail to jungkook stirring awake.

"ah, you're awake? how did you sleep bab- jungkook?"
jungkook giggled. "fine. how did you like the film?"
taehyung grinned. "fine."
he twisted round to look up at at taehyung, tipping his head up so that dappled light filled his eyes in the shape of stars.
he leaned down quickly to brush his lips against jungkooks, before looking past him at the tv.
"kook, isn't this your favourite part?"
he jumped up, clutching taehyungs hand.
"yes! yes! look!"
"yes, i'm looking, hey ba- kook, sit down."

"you can call me baby, you know. its okay." jungkook smiled, turning to sit next to taehyung.
he looked up at him,

he glanced at the clock on wall, and faltered for a second.
"hey, taehyung its getting late."
"right. okay, yeah. i'll get going."

"i would suggest you could stay over, but um.." he faltered, looking apologetically at taehyung.
"no, its fine. dont worry." he replied, evidently disappointed. they walked to the door, standing for a second before muttering goodbyes.
jungkook bit his lip, watching him walk down the corridor as he leaned against the doorframe.
"wait! taehyung!"
he ran down the corridor to the end where taehyung stood, having turned around.
he cupped the others face with his hands before bringing their lips together.
it was gentle, but firm as he felt taehyungs hand at the nape of his neck, and the other stroking his up and down his back softly.
he pulled away, giggling breathlessly.
"bye, taehyungie!"

he smiled, before running back and leaving taehyung with a subtle blush painted across his cheeks.

a/n: im soooo sorry that was really bad and i haven't updated in a while :( but anyways i got so soft writing this uwusjfjsksk and i was doing
this instead of learning lines for drama so i really hope you enjoy it!

sophie~ 💓💓
(and its not proof read i apologise)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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