Chapter 18 "Silver Box"

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“There you are Lad” Liam say's walking up to Niall “We’ve been looking for you and Jade what happ..” he started to say until he saw the tears drying on Niall’s cheeks and the hurt in his eyes.

“You can tell me later if you like, but now we have to go. The plane leaves in a few and we still have to go through the baggage check.” He said patting Niall’s back.

They started walking back towards the group, but half way there Niall turned back to see if Jade would come back, he didn’t see anything and continued walking.

“There they are Paul” Louis said at the sight of the boys, everyone smiled, Mari smiled politely when Niall met her eyes, without being there she knew exactly what had happened. “ I’m sorry”she mouthed to him, and he tilted his head saying thanks.

“Where’s Jaa” Harry started to say when Mari squished his hand, and Liam shook his head mouthing to Harry ‘not now’.

The boys started saying their goodbyes to Mari one by one; after Paul said his goodbye Niall and Harry were the last ones in the room with her.

“Promise you’ll come to New York right?” Harry told Mari as he held her close.

“I promise” Mari said with a smile that faded when she saw Niall was still there.

Harry turned to look in the same direction and gave her a sideways sad smile.

He leaned into her ear and asked her “What happened” and Mari whispered back “I’ll tell you later, that’ll give you a reason to call me” She said.

“I have many reasons to call you silly” Harry answered, giving her a quick kiss. She giggled than said.

“Can I talk to Niall, Harry? I need to tell him some things.”

“Of course. I’ll text you when we land? Or call you when we are in the hotel room, okay?” He said.

“Sounds perfect” She said twirling a curly lock of his hair in her hand. “Have a safe trip; hopefully we’ll see each other soon.” Mari added.

“See you in New York Beautiful. Two months seems too much to wait to see you again.” He said kissing her nose, then her lips. “Bye gorgeous.” He said picking up his bag and walking towards the baggage checking area, turning back once to wave and smile.

“See you soon Harry.” She said smiling as he walked off.

She turned around to face Niall, who was already facing her.

“Niall” Mari said surprised.

“I’m sorry about whatever might have happened, between you and Jade out there but you see there has been..” She started to say as Niall cut her off.

“ It’s fine, don’t worry, here.” He said handing her the small silver box.

“But I have to tell you..” Mari said, getting cut off by Niall again.

“Look give her the necklace and when I see her wearing it I’ll know she wants to be with me too.”

Mari looked down at the box remembering the N shaped charm with the little diamonds that it contained.

“When do I give it to her?” She asked.

“When you think it’s the right time, and if she never puts it on I’ll understand, but don’t worry that won’t happen, she’s the one Mari, I just know it.” Niall answered letting out a sad half smile, but at least it was a smile.

“Don’t worry I will.” She said returning a smile.

“Thank You” he answered. “You’re the only one, who could give it to her, when the time is right, ok?”

“Ok” Mari answered with another smile.

 He hugged her then said goodbye as he walked towards the baggage checking area and the boys. When she no longer could see the boys, she put the small silver box in her purse and set off to find her best friend.

“Where could she be” she told herself exhaling as she maneuvered her way through the airports crowd looking for Jade.

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