Betrayal and a new friend

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Percy turned towards the giant king, Porphyrion. After a brief stand down, Percy charged, Poseidon following his son. The smirk was wiped clean off the giant's face when he was suddenly overwhelmed by one of the most powerful demigods in existence, along with the god of the seas.

Percy slashed at the giant's legs and torso, causing big and small cuts all over the giant. Poseidon sent blasts of sea water at the giant when he was about to defend. Zeus quickly joined the fray, after defeating Gration with Jason. Jason raised his gladius and a bolt of lightning struck the giant. Zeus smiled and pointed his master bolt towards the now terrified and badly wounded giant. "Any last words?" The giant looked terrified before a smirk replaced the look of fear. "I would like to thank Perseus here," He gestured to Percy. "For helping us giants during the war." Zeus' eyebrows twitched before he blasted Porphyrion with a bolt of lightning. Percy just stood there, shocked and confused. What did he mean? I didn't help them.... He was brought out of his thoughts when Zeus yelled. "Perseus Jackson! You are now accused of aiding Gaea and the giants!" Percy looked at Zeus. "But I didn't help them!" Zeus sneered. "And Porphyrion would lie?" Percy slowly nodded. Why wouldn't he? Percy glanced at Annabeth to see her looking at him with disgust. What did I do? Poseidon stepped forward and joined Zeus. "Percy, I cannot believe you did this." He said coldly. The gods slowly grouped together and all glared at Percy, with the exception of Artemis, who had a look of confusion. "I didn't do anything! Why would you think I aided Gaea? I helped kill at least three giants, for Zeus' sake!" Percy yelled. The gods had an intense discussion in Ancient Greek before they all turned to Percy. "Because you aided Gaea, you shall be sentenced to death and the Fields of Punishment!" Zeus bellowed. Percy looked at his friends, all of which glared back at him. What did I do to deserve this? He felt tears running down his cheek. Zeus blasted Percy with his bolt, and all Percy could feel was pain. Then everything went black.

After what seemed like forever, Percy slowly opened his eyes. He was expecting to see different kinds of machines designed for torture, but instead found himself in a lush forest. "Where am I?" He groaned. "You are at my home." A feminine voice said behind him. Percy slowly turned around to see a girl, no older than 17, looking at him with an amused expression. "Who are you?" He said with a coarse voice. Heck, his throat was on fire. "Here you go." The girl offered him a cup of water that appeared out of nowhere. He felt better instantly. "Who are you? Where am I?" He asked. The girl smiled. "I am Chaos. You are in the Void, which is where I live." She replied. Now that Percy was feeling better, he studied the girl in front of him. She was cute, with brown hair and petite features. Her pupils were brown. "Wait.... you're Chaos?" Percy asked, slowly catching up. Chaos giggled. "Yeah." Percy quickly dropped into a bow, despite his sore legs. The girl laughed. "You don't need to bow to me." Percy stood up and rubbed his neck. "Ok. But I'm supposed to be in the Fields of Punishment. What am I doing here?" Chaos rolled her eyes. "I'm no the creator of the universe for nothing. I just summoned you here the second Zeus' bolt struck." Percy then looked confused. "Why did you bring me here?" Chaos sighed exasperatedly. "You know, you're the best hero to ever live, not to mention you're innocent! You can't be subjected to death!" Percy gaped at her and said something along the lines of: "Oh." Chaos giggled and sat on the ground. "I've been lonely for the last few millennia. Can you be my best friend?" Chaos asked bluntly. "Um..... okay. I don't see why not."

Time skip (a week)

Percy was bored. Hanging out with Chaos was fun, but it was starting to get boring, since all they do is chat. "Percy?" Chaos looked at him. "What?" Chaos giggled. "You were zoning out." Percy shrugged. "Chaos, I'm starting to get bored." Chaos opened her mouth like a fish, and dare Percy say, she looked adorable. But he wouldn't say that out loud. Because he didn't want to die. "So what do you want to do?" Chaos asked. "Maybe we can go to Earth and have fun!" Percy suggested. "Great! But I have to make you immortal first." Percy faltered. "Why?" Chaos giggled again. "Because I don't want my best friend to die!" Percy shook his head. "I'm fine." Chaos gave him the puppy-dog eyes. "Please?" She pouted. "Fine." Chaos cheered and zapped him with a beam of godly energy. "Now we can go." Chaos suddenly flashed away, leaving Percy all alone in the Void. All Percy could do was wait. After a few minutes, a very annoyed Chaos appeared. "Why didn't you come with me?" Percy rubbed his neck sheepishly. "I don't know how to teleport....." Chaos facepalmed. "Here, take my hand." Percy grabbed her hand and they teleported away.

A/N Weird and short chappie, but this is kind of a little experiment to see if you guys like this. Truth be told, I have a writer's block on my Broken Oaths fanfic. So I'm working on this story in the meantime. Story probably is a bit cliché, I don't know, hope you guys like it.

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