Meeting people

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Chaos' crystalline laughter rang through the camp. Gods, I love her. Percy finally thought that through. He didn't just like Chaos. He loved her. He loved every part of her. She was there for him when nobody was. But I don't know if she likes me back... He was brought out of his thoughts by Chaos. "Percy?" Chiron flinched at that. Percy glanced at Chaos, who seemed to realize her mistake. "What is your last name?" Chiron demanded with a steely tone, bow appearing out of nowhere. Percy looked at Chaos. She shrugged, as if saying 'it's your choice'. "Jackson." He sighed. Chiron raised his bow and was ready to fire when Chaos yelled. "Stop stop stop. He's innocent, don't kill him!" Chiron then turned towards Chaos. "Who are you?" He yelled. Instantly, Annabeth and the boy from before ran in. "What's happening, Chiron?" They asked when they saw him pointing the bow towards the two demigods from before. "That is Percy." He spat. Annabeth quickly produced a rope and tied him up.

Annabeth looked at him with distaste. Then she looked at Chaos. "I'd recommend you stay away from him. He's a traitor." Chaos rolled her eyes. "Do the words I say make no sense? He is innocent!" Chiron shook his head. "The giant king revealed him before he died. At least according to the gods and the seven." Chaos sighed. Then she snapped her fingers, and the ropes around Percy fell to the ground. "What the-" Annabeth's eyes widened. "Look, if you don't believe us then fine. We'll be leaving. We didn't want to be here anyways. We could still have late dinner at that nice restaurant." She said. "I'm afraid that won't do, Lady Aphrodite." Chiron said sadly. Percy stifled a laugh. But the words made sense. Chaos was pretty. Chaos laughed, her musical laughter ringing through camp again. "Oh no, I'm not one of the Olympian gods. I'm Chaos." She introduced herself. Chiron gaped at her. "What?"

Annabeth was shocked. Somehow, Percy managed to find and befriend the creator of the universe, who then in turn said Percy was innocent. And by the way Percy looked at her, she would guess they were close. A surge of jealousy made her clench her fists. They were sitting by the campfire, with Chiron explaining what happened today. Then a bolt of lightning struck the campfire, causing people to jump in their seats. There, where the lightning struck, was Zeus. "Ahem." He cleared his throat. Everyone dropped into a bow, with the exception of two: Percy and Chaos, who were still chatting. Zeus paled when he saw Chaos. He then bowed. "Oh, Zeus, don't bow." She said dismissively before turning back to Percy and continued to talk. Zeus stood up and had an awkward expression on his face. "Percy is back, and he is innocent." He sighed. Everyone started murmuring under their breaths. "He is back along with the creator of the universe." Even more gasps. "And they are here at camp." He gestured to the still talking Chaos and Percy. "That's all." Zeus mumbled before disappearing in a bolt of lightning. Everyone stared at the two. "Go to sleep everyone, the schedule will not change." Chiron announced. He then turned to and looked at him sadly. Annabeth and Piper walked up to them. "-really? Disneyland again?" Chaos laughed while Percy rubbed his neck. Then he noticed the two girls. "Hey."

"Look, Percy, I'm sorry....." Annabeth started. Percy stopped her. "It's okay. I'm fine now. And by the looks of it," He smirked. "You didn't miss me at all, didn't you." Annabeth blushed while Piper laughed. Chaos smiled at Percy, who responded with a huge lop-sided grin that made her heart flutter. I have to tell him tonight. Chaos thought. Little did she know, Percy reacted exactly the same as she did. I really have to tell her how I feel. Percy decided. Piper looked sadly at him. "I'm really sorry. The others are at Camp Jupiter. Most of the campers there didn't believe it, even though Zeus told them himself." Percy nodded. The girls then left, leaving Percy and Chaos behind. "Chaos." Percy rubbed his neck. He till didn't know how Chaos would react. She won't smite him, that's for sure, but she might ignore him forever. And considering the fact that she's his best friend, he didn't want that to happen. "I have, um, something I have to admit." Chaos felt her heartbeat quicken. "I-I'm in love with you." He blurted out. Chaos was shocked, but then she felt happy. "I like you too, Percy." Chaos whispered. Percy's eyes widened and he jumped up, shouting like a fool. "YES YES YES!" He pumped his fist and did a small victory dance. He felt elated. Chaos smiled. She had never actually loved someone, to care for someone, nor had she been loved. Now she was experiencing it, she liked it. Percy sat down next to her and she leaned on his shoulder. "I don't know how long I've been waiting to say that." He told her. She giggled and buried her head in his chest. Percy in turn buried his head in her hair. "So what are our plans for tomorrow?" Chaos asked. "I don't know." Percy thought for a minute. "I know! Let's go prank the hunters!" He exclaimed. Chaos nodded and fell asleep, enjoying Percy's body warmth.

"You guys know there are children here, right?" Percy woke up to see an amused Piper looking at them. "Shhh. The creator is sleeping." He gestured to the still-sleeping Chaos on his chest. "Don't call me that." She mumbled. "Fine, Lady Chaos." Percy teased. Chaos gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Gods, fine." She looked adorable. "So, is the plan in action?" Percy asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Chaos nodded and smiled. Then they disappeared in a flash of light. Piper smiled. They made a cute couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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