Chapter 1

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Selenas POV

I missed the old Justin. What happened to that sweet, dorky, shaggy hair 16 year old boy I fell in love with? Justin and I had broken up again after he had said the exact same words of, "I'm gonna change." I'm done with his shit. I quickly went back to reality as the loud ring of the doorbell filled my ears. I opened the front door to find a young, tall, blonde girl with straight short hair and bright blue eyes staring into mine, she was my best friend, Taylor Swift. "Selly!," she yelled as she pulled me in to a tight hug. "You all set for Starbucks?" "Yep, could you give me a sec?" I kindly asked her as I ran back in to my house and grabbed my phone laying on my bedside.


As soon as Taylor and I stepped out of her car, we were instantly surrounded by a huge crowd of papparazzi with flashing cameras pointed at Taylor and I. Together we linked arms and made our way through the crowd of papparazzi, while ignoring all of their annoying questions. "Ahh man Selena, I gotta pee, I'll meet you inside." Taylor said. "Oh Taylor," I giggled. After ordering my coffee, I patiently waited by playing a game on my phone. After I had picked up my drink and turned to find a seat in Starbucks, I accidently bumped in to someone, luckily not spilling any of my coffee on them. "I'm so sorry." "No that's alright." the voice said with sincerity. "Well if isn't Selena, my old co-star." I looked up to meet a pair of light hazel eyes staring in to mine. "Gregg, long time no see." I happily squeal as he pulls me in to a warm hug. "So what've you been up to?" his light hazel eyes still studying my face. "Nothing much, just auditioning for more movie roles. How about you?" His gorgeous British accent ringing in my ears as he replied with, "Same here, just filiming a new show called Faking It." "Oh, that's great, I said with a wide smile." "Wow Selena, you haven't changed a bit. You're still as beautiful as ever. His dimples appeared as he grinned back at me. "Aww thanks Gregg. I looked at the ground a bit while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. You haven't changed either, except your arms look a little more muscular I said with a smirk as I grasped his large bicep. "Thanks, he giggled." "Whoa, what's going on here?" I looked up to see Taylor approaching us. Quickly, Gregg and I both let go of eachother. My cheeks
turned a bit rosy as I replied with, "Oh hi Taylor, this is my old co-star Gregg. Gregg, this is my friend Taylor." Gregg instantly pulled Taylor in to a tight hug, what a gentleman. "So you're the beautiful Taylor Swift? he smirked." Taylor instantly blushed and turned to Gregg saying, yep, that's me. Selena are you ready?" "Yeah, sure. It was nice seeing you Gregg." "It was nice seeing you too. Maybe we can catch up more over lunch? he smirked." "Sure, of course. How about we exchange numbers then?" "Yeah, sounds great."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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