Homo Disgrace

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Jennie's face fell and she bit her lip. After a few seconds she regained her smile and leaned on me,
"It was okay, boring as usual." I brushed off Jennie's weird behavior,
"Thanks god I don't have to deal with school anymore." Jennie sat up and looked at me,
"Really?! Did you graduate?" I laughed,
"No, I dropped out." Jennie fell silent and looked down embarrassed. I grabbed her hand and smiled,
"It's okay. It's in the past, I'm actually glad I left. I met you didn't I?" Jennie hid her face. She jumped on me hiding her face in my neck, I was shocked at Jennie's actions but I didn't push her away.
"I'm glad I met you." Her warm breath hit my neck and I held her closer.
"Me too." I whispered back.
"He broke up with me."
"I'm sorry to hear that Jennie, is that why you're so clingy?"
"No! I'm actually glad he did....."
"Why's that?"
"I didn't like him...." I began to play with her long hair,
"Are you happier now?" She looked up at me, out faces inches apart,
"Yes, I am." Her eyes were glossy and her lips were parted just a bit, she looked absolutely gorgeous and I unconditionally let out a shaky breath. Jennie's arms traveled up my body and wrapped around my neck. I placed my hand on her slim back and waist. Pulling her closer she was wrapping her legs around my waist. I slowly started to move my face closer, glancing at her eyes and then her lips.
Jennie pushed me away and I landed on the floor with a loud thud.
I groaned and rubbed my head as I saw Jennie fix herself and answer her door.
"How's the studying going?"
"Good father."
"Dinner will be ready soon, I set a place for that angel of a tutor."
"Yes father, is that all?"
"No, I also prepared a guest room for her." He kissed her forehead and left.
"Thank you Father."
Jennie walked towards me embarrassed and helped me up.
"I-" Jennie cut me off,
"We should get ready for dinner and get you situated in your room." I pouted to myself and nodded.

Jennie opened the guest room and I gasped at the equally luxurious room.
"I put some clothes in the closet for you. I bought them today so they should be your size." I bowed,
"The bathroom is connected so just open that door." She pointed to the door on the far right if my new room.
"Thank you Jennie." I bowed once more,
"I'll come get you when dinner is ready, you can freshen up if you'd like." With that she quickly left.

I took a shower and began to look through my new clothes. They were all designer. I felt guilty but my thoughts quickly changed when I saw a Gucci shirt I had my eye on since high school.

I got dressed in a Gucci shirt, black skinny jeans, and white vans.
"Lisa, it's time for dinner." I opened my door and greeted Jennie.

Silence, forks scraping expensive plates, awkward coughs, painstakingly silent. Jennie's father cleared his throat,
"So Lisa, how's school going?"
"Oh I graduated already, I got straight A's and was well beyond my years."
"Very impressive, what is your best subject?"
"English, sir." Jennie's Father hummed in approval,
"So how did you met our Jennie?" He grabbed his silent wife's hand,
"Umm, it's a funny story. I was so wrapped up in organizing my papers I ran into Jennie by accident."
"How peculiar."
"Yes, it was very strange." I looked at Jennie, her face was pale.
"Jennie darling, are you feeling alright?"
"No father, can Lisa and I be excused? We have a test to study for tomorrow and I'm quite worried about it."
"Of course sweetheart." Her mother finally spoke.
"Before you go Jennie, I heard there was a homo at your school. Please be careful and stay away from them. We wouldn't want you catching it." I looked at her mother, she was genuinely concerned. I was disgusted, If only they knew I was a lesbian. I laughed at myself. Jennie bowed and we went to her room. As we climbed the steps Jennie let out a quiet sob,
"Hey, Jennie what's wrong?" Her sobs became louder and I stopped walking,
"Jennie?" I faced her and held her shoulders,
"Jennie." Still Jennie just cried, I brought hugged her and stroked her head calmingly.
"Yes Jennie." Her sobs became light again,
"I'-I'm the homo." I pulled her to face me,
"What?" Her eyes were puffy and red,
"I'm the homo, I'm a lesbian. That's why I had to stay with Mark and today when he dumped me he told everyone. The principal is making me take homo reversal therapy and I- I'm so embarrassed! If my family knew my 'sin' I would be heartbroken. I would be kicked out, like you!" She began to cry again. I didn't know how to calm her. I kissed her forehead,
"Jennie, it will be okay. You have me. We can do this." I held her hand and kissed it,
"We got this Jennie, we got this."

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