The Perfect Family

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(Eliza's POV)

So far my life was great. I had four awesome kids, a loving husband, and supportive friends. Well... Maybe not right now at this moment, while my eldest son Kane dangles my favorite pair of red stilettos from his fingertip carelessly.

Kane smirked at me lazily while my shoes swayed back and forth in front of him. I was afraid to run for them, knowing that he's probably do something I wouldn't like if I made a move. I glared daggers at him.

"Give them back," I ordered, "Right now, or else."

He raised his eyebrows coolly. "Or else what, mother dearest?" He threw up one of the two shoes. I flinched even though I knew his reflexes were Alpha improved. I sighed in relief when he caught it.

"I told you," he said. "Buy me that new game or else your shoes are going bye bye."

"You can't do that," I argued. "How are you going to ruin them, huh?"

"Straight to the oven they go."

I grimaced. "How have I gone wrong with this child?"

Kane ignored me. "Hand over your credit card and you get the stupid stilettos."

"I can't just hand over-"

He took a step toward the awaiting hallway which led to the kitchen, living room, and etcetera. I growled to myself. I cannot believe my own child would turn against his mother like that. Don't worry, mama's going to get her shoes back safely.

"I'm calling your father," I announced.

A twinge of worry crossed Kane's face. "You won't. Even if you do, he won't get here in time. Your precious shoes will be destroyed." He had that evil grin on his face now.

And that's when my hero decided to walk in. Jackson eyed the two of us with uncertainty. He looked to me. "Am I interrupting-"

I smiled. "Not at all!" I laughed it off. "Please, Kane, you were saying?" I smirked at him.

Kane glanced at Jackson. "Uh, dad, hi."

Jackson frowned at the sight of women's shoes in his possession. "What are you doing with those?" He looked at me. "Eliza, what's going on?"

"Kane's being mean!" I yelled.

Kane gaped at me. "I'm being mean? You're the one who won't get me the best game of the century!"

"I told you, use your own money. You're eighteen, not five."

"Seriously, what's going on, you two?"

"Kane's holding my stilettos hostage just for a stupid video game!"

"It's not stupid!"

"Whatever! Point is, I want my stilettos!"

"Point is I want that game!"

Jackson laughed it off. "You two are such kids."

I huffed. "Are not," we said together.

Jackson nodded. "Tell you what kid, you hand over your mom's heels and I'll lend you my credit card."

Kane's face lit up. "Really? Awesome, thanks dad, you're the best." He glared at me. "Unlike some people."

I made a face at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jackson roll his eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out at him for extra effect.

"Now that it's been settled," Jackson said once my shoes were returned, "can we please go back to our lives like normal people?"

"Werewolves," I corrected.

Jackson glared at me. "Yes, werewolves. Big difference."

"Gotta go," Kane said. "Thanks dad." Before he left he kissed me on the cheek. I ruffled his hair in response, much to his annoyance.

"Why did we have kids?" I whined.

"Do I have to go through the birds and the bees?" Jackson joked.

I glared at him. "No thanks."

Jackson grinned playfully and threw his arms around my waist. I smiled and wrapped my own arms around his neck. He leaned in for a kiss and-

"Alpha and Luna, I- oh, I'm sorry."

Jackson and I pulled apart to look at Dawson, the Beta. He grinned sheepishly. "Can't it wait?" Jackson asked. He sounded pretty irritated.

"I'm afraid not, Alpha," Dawson stated. "There's an emergency meeting about to start. You should tune in. Meet us in the meeting room asap." He slipped away before we could question him.

I looked at Jackson, who shrugged and followed. I trailed behind him, wondering what it could've been this time. Surely nothing as troublesome as that time eighteen years ago?


Sorry for shortness. I had to rewrite this chapter as quickly as possible, so please excuse any crapiness.

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