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(1st person, Master)

"Cu?" He was sitting with his back facing me, his elbow rested on the arm of the sofa. No response was heard, so I tried again. "I'm sorry." I looked down at my lap, my hands shaking his shoulder. He won't even flinch, let alone look at me. My heart sank at how upset he was.

"I'm just your Servant. There's no need for you to apologize, Master." He mocked, his eyes still looking at somewhere infront of him.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything in my defense. I was wrong, it was reckless of me to say that.


"Why didn't you bring me?" I jumped as Cu half-yelled as soon as I entered the living room. The living room was pitch black, except for the dim moonlight that illuminated half of the room. I could barely recognized the tall figure that was leaning against the wall if Cu hadn't spoke.

"S-Sorry. I couldn't sleep and just wanted to clear my head a little." I stuttered. "Did you stay up to wait for me?" I tried to sound as calm as I can as I lock the front door behind me before I kicked off my shoes.

"Hell yeah I did. I was worried sick when I couldn't find you in your room. What the hell were you thinking, going out in the middle of the night alone?" He took a few steps towards me, his hands resting on his hips. I couldn't see his face, so I couldn't tell if he was really upset or not. But judging from his tone, he might be more worried than he is upset.

"I- I just wanted to be alone." I backed towards the front door, the sight of an angered Cu is scary. Cu clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Where did you go?" He asked as he rubbed his nape.

"The neighbourhood park...?"

"You went to the park in the middle of the night, and decided not to bring me? Eventhough it was clearly dangerous?"

"I just told you. I wanted to be alone for a while. I thought it would still be safe enough if I'm still in the neighbourhood. You could have found me easily if anything came up." I sighed and mustered up the courage to push past him and reach for the light switch. I couldn't stand being unable to read his emotions. "And I already apologized, Cu. I shouldn't have done what I did, but you're my Servant. I have the right to justify if I need you or not---" Just as I switched on a dim wall lamp, his strong hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. The room is now brighter, enabling me to see his angered expression.

"So you were saying you didn't need me?" His brows knit tightly together, the strain in his voice showing he was trying to contain his anger.

"No, that wasn't ---" I put other
my hand over his, trying to get him to loosen his grip and talk to him on better terms.

"Yes, of course. I'm just your Servant. You didn't need a weak Servant like me. Sorry to have doubted your abilities, Master." He loosened his grip on my wrist and walked away.

And that was how I got myself into this mess. Right now, he's as still as a stone. For the past hour, I've tried apologizing, persuasion and explanation. He wouldn't listen to me at all and at some point, he got frustrated and went back to his room. I was feeling restless and helpless because I have never handled such an emotional Cu. He was always cheerful and bright, so he was always a pleasure to talk to. I decided not to go to bed before I get his forgiveness. After a few moments, I hesitantly went to his room. I entered his room after not getting any response. He was standing by the window with his arms crossed over his wide chest. I walked towards him, and decided to try another tactic: physical affection.

"Leave me alone, will ya?" He sighed as he glanced at me with the corner of his eye.

I wrapped my arms around his abdomen and snuggled into his back like a child. It was effective; because his back muscles twitched and relaxed at the sudden embrace. I rubbed my face at his clothed back and allowed my hands to travel further up, until they bumped into Cu's arms. I can feel him looking at what my hands were trying to do. My hands sought his own; prying his crossed arms open so I can lace my fingers in his. He always smiled at how perfectly our hands moulded together; that our hands complement each other's. I couldn't tell if he was smiling, but he eventually took my hands in his. He stared at them for a moment, and then turned around to face me. Finally.

(3rd person)

"I'm still angry, y'know." Cu said, his face still carrying a slight scowl. Even so, it was a nice addition to his handsome face.

"I know. I'm here to comfort you." Master said, as she leaned on Cu's chest and mumbled an apology.

"It's strange though, I don't feel your sincerity. Try something else." He said, his chest rumbled with every word he said. She wasn't sure if he was teasing or not. Master looked up at the crimson eyes that bored into her own. He was still frowning.

"Okay." She removed her hands from Cu's and slowly brought it up to cup Cu's face. She tip-toed and pecked him on the lips. His gaze on her softened, and lazily draped his hands over her hips. When he didn't reject her, she tried again. She tip-toed, but it was tiring to maintain that position so Cu did her a favour by leaning down to meet her lips halfway. Master snaked her hands around Cu's neck. Their lips pressed together tenderly.

Master broke away to say, "Are you still angry?"

"Yes. Very." Master pouted at the answer and Cu quickly enveloped her lips in his again. This time, he was rougher. He sucked on her lower lip harshly and bit it hard enough to hurt his Master as if to show his feelings of resentment. Master gasped in shock, and he darted his slick tongue into her mouth. Master whined and tugged on Cu's hair, earning a groan from him. Their tongues danced wildly, then Cu pinned hers down so he can freely explore other parts of her mouth. He left no place unexplored, and when he was satisfied, he sought for her tongue again. Cu completely ignored his Master's complaints whenever she tugged at his hair.

"Cu..." Master pulled away and panted slightly.

"Quiet." Was all he said before he grabbed a fistful of her hair and held it away from her neck. He leaned in to leave a trail of kisses from her jaw all the way to her collarbone before he returned to her lips.

"Now, have you learnt your lesson?" Cu asked, staring down at his blushing Master.

"What?" Master gasped. "That was supposed to be a punishment? I thought you were just spoiling me like always." She flashed her Servant a cheeky grin. Cu groaned in frustration at how much of a softie he is towards his Master. I hate myself, he thought.

"How dare you," He brought his hands up to Master's cheeks and pulled at them. Master frowned and whined at her Servant. "Are you not afraid of me? I'm a Servant. I can be very scary when I'm angry." 

Master tried to giggle, but as her cheeks are being pulled, she can't exactly do that.

"I'm nawt." She smiled at him and laughed. Cu chuckled at how adorable she was. "You're ash sowft ash a prush toy to me."

"Do you seriously expect me to understand your gibberish?" He let go of Master's cheek and she immediately rubbed her reddened cheeks. "By the way, did you just compared me to a plush toy?"

"You're not upset anymore, right?" She averted her gaze and tackled him into a hug, trying to change the subject.

"Okay, okay, you won. Whatever." Cu gave his forehead a little squeeze and ruffled Master's hair. "I'll be sleeping with you tonight as your proper punishment." Cu kissed her head.

He just loved spoiling her after all.


such a short chapter. I ran out of ideas. oh no.

my insecurities are engulfing my mind ;-;

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