chapter 1

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 "Aah! I don't want to go out of house. Why can't you go in place of me" I said moaning and trying to keep my eyes open. "woof-woof" my roommate replied after jumping on top of me. "You know how lucky you are. You just rest hear lazily while I have to do all the work" I got a sloppy grin and lick on my face for my words. "OK I love you too." I said laughing. After getting up and getting ready I took a sandwich to eat on the way after putting dog food and water for my favorite and only roommate sam. Sam was a Labrador retriever, I got 2 years back to deal with my depression. He is trained to help me through whenever I face a panic attack. I think I have gotten better over the years but my Psychiatrist doesn't think so. That's why I still had to take those medications which only dull my mood most of the time. I took the stairs as i only lived on the 3rd floor of 12 floor building. The station was 10 minute walk from my house, usually I took the car but I have sent it for servicing as it was making weird noise last time I used it. The roads were actually empty as in Mumbai the morning only come after 10 a.m. and it was only 6, I have only woken up this early hoping for a less crowded local train. After taking the ticket and reaching the platform, I noticed that the train was not that empty as I have hoped. Lucky for me, since I was girl I could board the less crowded compartment meant only for female gender. After boarding the train, I like everyone put on the earphones and started listening to the music. There was no empty seat so I had to stand holding the pole. After some station while I was enjoying listening to Hayley kiyoko's voice I noticed one girl enter the compartment or more like smelt her, I don't think it was a deodorant or perfume. The smell could only be compared to smell of heat but only in a good way. I don't think many people could smell it; I just have a highly sensitive nose. She stood on the train holding the same pole I was holding but weirdly she didn't even gave me a look. It looked like she was reading something really interesting; well I didn't mind as it gave me the time to check her out. She had a curly black hair which was tied in a ponytail and a semi dark complexion. She was short heighted like I think 5, a little healthy some might even call overweight but I think it only made her look more beautiful. She was wearing an oversized red shirt and black jeans with black shoes. It was really amazing how she was so engrossed in whatever book she reading, not even noticing the spectacle which have slide down her nose. Something funny might have happened in her novel because suddenly she smiled and my heart just stopped for a second I think, I reminded myself to breathe as I was really close to fainting. The smile just light up her face, I could see 2 dimples of either side of her face. Is that even legal, I thought. She looked so beautiful and the only thought in my mind was that I wanted to see her eyes. I think the god heard my request because at that second she looked up and my heart stopped for the second time in five minutes making me lose my grip on the pole at the same time the train lurched forward and stopped.

Who doesn't love a cliffhanger? Please help me if you see any mistake in my writing, I am not great a writer. Hate speech of any kind is not allowed. Ever criticism and praises are appreciated.

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