first date

33 1 1

It was in the middle of the night. The clock had just hit 1 and The young nation slowly opened his door, careful not to wake the other sleeping nations.
Today I'm- I'm gonna do it!
He thought to himself. Repeating the encouraging speach he had practiced for himself earlier in the mirror.
Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!
"YES!" Iceland quickly took his hands to his mouth. The speach made him a little too excited. Luckily no one woke up. He slowly closed the door behind him and listed down the stairs.
Tonight was the night. He was in his finest clothing, he specifically had picked out for the night. He wanted this to be perfect.
When he arrived at his location he quickly checked himself in the mirror, to make sure he looked as good as possible.
"Not bad" he said checking himself out. He gave himself a nod, quickly cleared his throat and put his hand on the door handle, to the room where his lover was waiting. He pulled down the handle. His cheeks turning a shy shade of pink. He took one last  long breath and opened the door fully.

And there it stood, more beautiful than he had ever imagined.
Iceland whispered with his shy voice.
He entered the room and closed the door behind him.
He walked up to fridge placing his hand where the left cheek would be.
" I- I've missed you so much"
he said, still nervous but with a warm voice.
He wiped away a tear emerging from the corner of his eye before pulling his love in for a full embrace.
"Don't worry my love, these are the tears of joy."
He pulled away holding it in an arm's distance looking at it with a cute goofy smile.
"Oh that's right! I uhmm- I actually have a gift for you."
He reached his hand into his back pocket and pulled up a shiny magnet in the shape of a heart with the Icelandic flag inside
"I saw this and thought of you"
He then placed the magnet on fridge's  finest spot.
"You look so beautiful. It looks good on you"
he said with a smile all over his face.
He took fridges handle and leaned in close.
"I'm sorry if I'm going too fast, I just..  I can't hold back any longer"
He held fridges handle tighter with one hand, hugged her with the other hand and leaned in kissing fridge.

The kitchen door swung open with a loud BANG and all the lights turned on. Iceland opened his eyes and to his great horror he saw Norway starring at him in the doorway

He wasn't sure if it was Norway, because Norway never stands in the doorway from the hallway, but it was Norway in the doorway from the hallway, cause only Norway would slam the door from the doorway in the hallway.
It was Norway.

His endless rime thinking was interrupted by Norway saying with a strict mad voice
"What the fridge do you think your doing ice."
"It's not what it looks like!"
Iceland was in panic
"No? Cause it looks like you were on a date with the fridge"
"... Okay.. it's exactly what it looks like but-"
Norway walked over to Iceland and grabbed the arm, that was embracing fridge.
"Go to your room right now young man!"
Norway commanded.
Norway leaned down so they were face to face.

"Let. It. Go."

Iceland tightened his grip on fridge, almost breaking it's handle and stared Norway directly back in the eyes.

"Okay. You give me no choice."

Norway then backed up a little and began to mumble words. Iceland couldn't hear what he was saying, but he knew it meant, Norway was gonna use magic.
Suddenly everything turned blue and Norway started singing his magical words.
"Let it go! Let it go! Don't hold the fridge anymore!! Let it go, let it go! Turn away and slam the door!"
Iceland who had no chance of fighting back was forced to let go of fridge, follow Norway out to the hallway and slam the door behind them.

"How dare you.. I can't believe you've done this! You're the worst BIG BROTHER EVER!!" He then ran crying up to his room slamming the door even harder behind him.
Norway was frozen in place. He couldn't move his body or think clearly. He then fell to his knees, as tears started falling down his cheeks.

Denmark was walking down the stairs. Woken up by all the noise, he decided to go grab a beer. He saw Norway, sitting in the hallway and sprinted to him, holding him.
"Norge what happened? Why are you crying?" He cupped Norways face in his hands.
"Ice.. he- he called me big brother. Danmark I'm so happy!" He laughed and almost sprang into hugging Denmark.
"Oh No" Denmark said.
He knew it had the be serious, if Iceland went THAT far.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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