The Mission

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Hi, my name is Y/N, I am the goddess of Laughter, and Kindness. Today was the first day of my last mission. I haven't made anyone smile or laugh yet, but this last mission, this is gonna be the hardest one yet. But I am determined to change someone's life. For the next mission, I will be trying to make, Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache, the top villains of the world, turn their lives around. This is gonna be the hardest mission I've ever faced. 

After my boss told me what the mission was, I was not prepared. Heck, I haven't even made one person laugh or smile! But this, I am determined to change their lives. Watch out Wilford and Dark, I'm coming to change.

The boss told me that I would have to go to their base and tell them about my mission. He said they would be arrogant enough to fall for it. So that's what I'm doing, I'm marching up there and turning their lives around. Now, I have heard stories about Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache, I'm pretty sure that the hardest one to change will be Dark. Wilford might be easier because I'm pretty sure that he laughs at everything, but I don't think he is happy. I mean sure, he smiles and laughs a lot, but, have you ever thought about what made him go insane? I'm pretty sure he feels horrible, but I'm hoping to change that. As for Dark, he's just bad all the way 'round, so he is going to be a tough nut, hopefully I might crack him.

I'm finally here, at Iplier Inc. I straightened out my (whatever you want to wear.) I was standing at the front door. I'm going to do this. I can do this! Let's do this! I stood straight up and walked up to the door and knocked. A few seconds later a man with a blue shirt with a G came out. I'm pretty sure this is Googleplier. "Hello, I'm Y/N, I'm here to talk to Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache" I said as maturely as I could. Googleplier smiled and gestured his hand for me to walk in. "Right this way" He said glitching a little. I thanked him and walked in.

Here I am. Inside of Iplier Inc. About to meet the top villains in the world. I can do this. I won't let myself and my boss down. It's just one last mission.

Hey Biscuit's! I decided to start a new book as well! But, I'm not going to set a publishing date for each chapter ok. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it's short, but, it's pretty late so...Ye. I love ya B.B.'s! Kisses! Muah Muah! As always, you will read this, in the next chapter. Buh-Bye!

(Btw I don't own this picture at the top)

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