Everything that's wrong

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Addolorata screamed and clawed her nails towards Michael, not at all happy to see him.

He stood in the doorway, unnerved by the crazy girl grabbing and shaking him, screaming and stomping her foot demanding to know why he was even here.

Addolorata had found a way to get off the dresser, but that had involved her removing the dress that had been so wrapped up in the fabric and ruined by the rope, so it left her in her underwear, which included wearing a white chest bind cover and her three layers of white petticoat and her shoes, somehow having grabbed the other off the floor when she get out of the bundle.

Behind her, Senew took his time to light another cigarette, taking a puff every few minutes to let the taste settle in his mouth as he watched what unfolded before him, leading up to much of his un-shown horror and curiosity.

"I TOLD YOU I NEVER WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN YOU BASTARD!" Screamed Addolorata as Micheal placed his hands on her hips and gently pushed her back, only making her angrier.

"Look Adda-" he started only to be cut off.

"DON'T YOU ADDA ME! IM ALREADY IN A BAD MOOD!" She screamed in his face, hand at her side, slowly inching towards the white petticoat that was the only thing hiding what dignity she could remember she had.

Her stance was that of someone ready for a fight, from her legs stance and feet outward, body slightly leaned forward and her hair somehow already in a ponytail behind her and eyes daring any movement closer.

"Sorry! Good God Addolorata! I just want to talk!" He told her, slightly angered but trying to keep his cool.

Senew was amused by the anger in such a tiny thing, Addolorata clearly not happy from the start.

"You have three minutes" she hissed at him, not moving. He sighed and put his hands behind his back.

"Look, I know our relationship wasn't the best, I know that.....I was being selfish and I'm really sorry but maybe we could........try again?" He held out a bouquet of roses, to which, Addolorata went into fury.

Her petticoats flipped up, showing not only her bloomers but a hidden pair of twin glocks. Pulling them from her blooms and her skirt slowly falling back over it she cocked each gun and held them out in front of her, aiming right to Michael's face.

"Nice try, you don't know me as much as you thought" said Addolorata, Senew dropping his cigarette and crushing it under his foot.

He took a step forward, blowing smoke from his mouth, ready to snatch up the gun with his hands near his head.

"Ok kid, pu-" suddenly one of the guns was aimed to his face.

Addolorata didn't even bother to look away from the boy who could possibly run.

"Nice try hottie, now, to avoid having to call my father, both of you are going to go to my living room and sit on the couch and shut the fuck up, do you understand?" Her finger moved and laid on the trigger, pressing softly against it.

Both nodded and rushed towards her living room as she kicked her door shut, locking it and walking towards them but not before popping a sucker in her mouth which she had pulled from the small candy jar near her front door.

Standing in front of the both, guns tight in her hand as she frowned deeply.

Or perhaps it was anger, neither one of them could tell.

"Now, we're going to play a lovely little game!" She said with a sudden smile, flicking the sucker stick between her lips.

She rolled the candy between her teeth, grinding it to dust with a demented expression.

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