Cant remeber

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Newt's POV
I wake up to loud noises of something making my ears ring. I try to close my hands on my ears but that only made me focus on the ringing so instead I open my eyes to see almost darkness. However, there was a little bit of red and yellow light radiating off the sides of whatever I am in. I try to call out but at the moment it seemed physically impossible so instead I stumble to my feet.

As the crate or cage I was in started to move I fell over at the pull of it. I heard weird noises all around me. To be honest it scared the fuck out of me. Honestly I just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry. I look up in confusion and see two red and glowing lines opposite of each other connected to a trap door type of thing and start to stress when it starts getting closer.

I again try to get up but am yanked back down as it abruptly halts to a stop and the two doors with the red glowing lines open. I can feel tears come out of my eyes and try to rub them while it sit myself up. I squint my tear filled eyes and stair at two blobs that I am assuming other people tower over the the thing I a in.
I scoot back because one of them jump down and stair at me as well.

I let out a tiny whine something that I never thought I could do before, as the obviously bigger guy grabs me and pulls me out of the medium sized metal box I was in. Once out I fall to the ground with a grunt as he walks to the other man who has Avery dark brown skin tone. It was as if was in the sun for a long time so maybe his once Darker Carmel turned darker. The other had a more tanned skin tone. They both had large muscles that I wish I could have but me I am very skinny with white milky skin. They were wearing clothes that look worn out and leather crossing their chests.

I stumble as I lift myself up hoping I don't fall over and make a mess my already battered self.
I stand there looking around letting my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight along with wiping my slightly swollen eyes. Once I adjust I cant help but sadly gawk at the large walls that surround me. I let my eyes take in everything.

"Where am I?"

I manage to blurt out with a hoarse voice. I am still turned away so I jump a little when the darker man comes next to me. I can tell he is upset with something that I said.

"Can yo I remember your name or where you are from?"

He asked in a broad voice. That of something like a well, I can't put it to words. Leader maybe? It made me kind of at ease but at the same time on high alert.

"I can't. But where am I?"

The other white guy next to him sighs in obvious frustration and starts to explain really fast so I can't really take it all in.

" we call this the glade you are the third person to come up besides us two. You will get your name back I am guessing because we did as-well. It is a little scary now but I am sure we can help you. My name is George and this is Alby. I got here first and so I am most familiar with the glade. One thing I must tell you. Do not and I mean DO NOT go beyond those walls."

He then turned and walked away. His voice made chills run up and down my spine and it felt uncomfortable. I just really wanted to make this all stop. I came back to reality when the guy I think George said was Alby shook me back.

"You Okay? Here let me show you around."

He gave me a reassuring smile and slowly urged me to walk with him. I felt more at ease with him then George for some odd reason. As Alby showed me around I could George run into the walls and I was so confused on why he went inand I couldn't but I shook it off and just continued to follow Alby.

The 'glade' was huge and I mean like reeeaaaalllllly big. There were already two huts built one with cooking stuff and the other with two hammocks in it. There were around three other bases of huts scattered around that I could see were being worked on.

"That is what me and George built for our food and this one is where we sleep. Here I'm sure they have supplies for you in the box come help me unload yeah?" 

I looked at him confused once again but nodded and followed to help unload. There was an array of different seeds meats, leathers, boxes full of things I could quite make out, and even a goat.

We headed back to the tent with the food and he put the foods that he deemed good enough to be out, out and stored the rest. He then went to the other tent and tied up another hammock next to his and said that it was mine.

-time skip (later that night)-

For some reason I could feel Alby's nervousness I mean he was oozing the scent of it. Wait what? How can I smell him so good? I shook my head and could feel him instantly relax as George walked out of the walls.
Alby smiled sweetly at him George stopped in front of Alby.

" you Okay?"

Alby asked in an almost in audible voice.

" fine. "

George huffed but it wasn't angered more like embarrassed way.

"I got food come eat okay?"

We both nodded and I could tell he warmed up to me a bit. I jumped when I heard loud siren. Then the big wall doors closed while we were eating. Alby sighed in relief continuing to eat.

"Here is a blanket if you get cold"

George handed me a blanket after we ate and cleaned up he was getting ready for bed. He let out a small grunt as he laid in the hammock on the other side of Alby and I could hear the ropes rub together in protest of the large body now laying on them and stretching them.

I noticed something else that I could hear much more and my eyes could see better in the dark then I think is really possible. I decided to ignore it. I couldn't really fall asleep but at the same time I couldn't help but I slowly fell asleep.

-time skip ( a month later, again sorry I'm too lazy for this ish)-

It has been I month I think and I have gotten some of my memory back. I can now remember my name that is Newt. I am 17 I believe and I am something called an Omega. Alby and George told me that they were both betas and explained more. I somewhat understood and well it kind of scared me.

I was working in a small garden that George helped me build while Alby was in the maze. Oh yes I forgot to say it was a maze they told me that they are trying to find a way out but. It was sad to think people could actually lock kids in this place but hey what the hell can you do? Yeah I know I know I am taking this too lightly but for some reason I just can't help but to think something good is going to happen it is just, something is telling me in the back of my mind that something good will happen soon.

Anyway I was working in the garden planting and tending to the already sprouting plants when there was an ear splitting sound. I immediately covered my ears and moaned in pain. Over the loud noises I heard Alby yell.


He ran to me and pulled me up to follow him. George soon followed and we stood far enough away to not get hit by the trap doors. When they opened I couldn't help to smell something so amazing. It smelt like vanilla and pine. I closed my eyes for a second letting the scent linger in my nose. I opened them and continued to look down.

I looked inside to only stair into black orbs that looked ready to kill.  It sent shiver to my skin but I liked it. What was wrong with me??! I couldn't help but to stare back at the man in the box hearing a deadly growl come rippling up from deep beneath his throat.

I whimpered in eagerness waiting to meet the man in this box.

AYYYYYEEEE first chapter seems pretty good damn I am trying to get better at writing. It sounds so much better in my head so sorry if it is kinda. ... shit.

AAANNNYWAY I am doing my best sooooo I'll get to working on the next chapter see ya Chickas.

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