Who are you?

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I woke up and felt uneasy. My head was spinning and I felt trapped. I was seriously pissed. I didn't want to be in whatever this contraption thing was. It was so fucking loud. I stood up feeling a little unbalanced but quickly fixed my stance. When the thing I was in started to move I almost fell but again fixed my position.

I couldn't help but hear all the sounds not being able to focus on all of them I felt enraged, I felt vulnerable,  I felt sadness, I felt trapped, I felt ready to snap. I couldn't take anymore of this. Right before I was about to yell the thing I was in stoped. With loud creaking noises it felt like an eternity before it opened.

I was staring at something as soon as the light hit my eyes. Or maybe it was a someone. I was going to jump up and tackle whatever or whoever it was u til the sweetest scent hit my nose. It smelt of a flower. One I can't pinpoint but it smelt sweeter than anything I could have bet imagined. I growled deep from the back of my throat. I fucking growled. I don't know how but I did.

Upon hoisting myself up there two other people with the kid that smelt so good. I wanted him. It almost felt as if he wanted me too. I stood there for a while taking in his scent before breaking our eye contact and turning to the other two. They seemed a bit frightened and their featured didn't seem as la key as the boy now facing my back was.

I studied all of them taking mental notes of each of them. The first one being the black guy with short black hair and dark eyes. He was just a bit shorter than me and looked toned more in his legs than anything however. The other next to him being white with tanned skin. He was shorter that the black guy only by an inch or two and he had green-ish eyes (sorry I do t know how else to explain George). Their clothes looked battered like mine having leather straps going diagonal across them.

After taking them in I turned around again to take not of the smaller one. He had the prettiest chocolate brown eyes and longish Curley blonde hair I had ever seen. He had light milky skin and was on the shorter side. He was not that toned but any of the skin he did have showing had just the right amount of muscle to it. His lips were thinner and looked honest to god delicious. I couldn't help but stare.

Someone behind cleared their throat breaking me from the trance I was in. I hadn't even noticed that I had walked exceptionally close to the blondie and he was shaking ever so slightly. 

"Do you know your name?"

The dark skinned man spoke first I could tell. I looked over my shoulder and turned around.


I said simply showing no emotion. My face I could tell looked blank with a bit of anger but mostly blank. Even so he flinched.

"Who are you"

I spoke up a bit not know it actually came out harsher than I intended. The two in fro t of me flinched and I heard a small whimper from behind me.

"I- I'm Alby and this is George"

He said with a slight stutter. He then began again.

"The one behind you is Newt. Is new like you. You will get your memory back soon it happens to us all. You are standing in the glade right now and um. Don't go beyond the walls."

He started off strong gradually lowering his voice as I spun my head around grunting at the sight of the walls and glared at him when he told me not go beyond the walls. I was frustrated. Fucking yes of course I would gosh damn frustrated. I was in a completely new environment with no memory not even my fucking name and they were telling me what to do?!?!

"DON'T tell me what to do."

I said this sternly making sure to emphasize the DONT. and he flinched at it. I went to go turn away but couldn't help but notice the trembling boy as I walked. I slowed to a stop I turned to him and motioned him to come to me. He didn't as much as move a muscle and again I grunted in annoyance.

Upon hearing me get annoyed it must have clicked something in his brain so he finally started towards me.

"Tell me what this is. The two of you leave us alone!"

I said this in a tone that I know they would listen to and I began to walk away know the blondie or Newt as they called him was hot on my trails.

-(switching to NEWT'S POV)-

I couldn't help but follow him. He scared the living shit outta me yet at the same time he was sexy as hell while doing it. I AM SO FICKI G CONFUSED!! I shook my head as I walked behind him and shakily grabbed the back of his messy shirt to stop him.

"I- I'll show y-you this first"

Damn I sounded like a coward and I hated it. But something about him was just so, so overwhelming. It was amazing to feel but scary really scary at the same time.

After showing the 'big' guy around around Alby and George were no where to be found so I assumed they went into the maze. While they were gone I cut up some fresh veggies and also hesitantly gave some to the this guy. Once finished he handed me the make shift plate I made and I put it away. He followed me everywhere I went and I couldn't help but smile softly at his puppy like actions.

I was walking to the sleeping area when I felt two large arms grab me from behind. I yelp in surprise and soon felt that strong masculine scent of vanilla and pine again. It took me over the top and I couldn't help but lean my head back into the strong chest of the man behind me.

" why must you smell so.. sweet?"

The sudden reality of what I was doing really hit me when I felt his breath on my ear. It made me shutter in pleasure and I tried to push his arms off with no luck. I could feel him chuckle from deep in his throat and blushed slightly.

"I... I don't smell g.. good you stupid pretty boy"

He let me go and I covered my face with my hands as he spun me around. He pried my hands off my face and smirked at me tomato red face.

"I'm a pretty boy now"

I blushed harder at him saying this if that is even possible and tried to calm myself down. It only really made it worse so instead I found myself trying to distract myself by observing the man in front of me. I took good note of his thin black eyes and amazing jet black hair. I really wanted to just run my fingers through it. I then to a glance at his large shoulders and sexy ass biceps. His chest was broad too. His legs long and muscular. He was shot early perfect.  

Muscly but not too much. I envied him honestly. I really didn't tell by now how tall he was against my short frame until now as well. I could tell he was t an omega the instant I smelt him and he didn't have the sweaty B.O. smell the two betas had either, so what was he?  I pondered getting snapped out of my thoughts by him shaking my shoulder.

"Oi Newt. Where am I supposed to sleep?"

He asked in low husky voice. Damn too sexy.

" i- uhh huh? Oh right here. I- shut umm here"

I stumbled on my words a bit feeling flustered and just went to go set up his hammock. He chuckled again and I smiled nervously towards the almost finished hammock. When I finished I admired my work and showed him.

" where do you sleep?"

He asked his voice not wavering from its huskiness.

" uhh uhhhm.  Here"

I pointed and his face turned amused but at the same time angered.

" good next to me but flip it so you are only next to me no one else."

I nodded and did as he said. Just then Alby and George came running back and the night went on sort of normally.

Oaky soooooo I think this is getting better. I need importation. I am doing my best but it is kinda not sitting well. I am trying though soooooo. Yeahhh. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed and uhmmm yeah can't wait for next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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