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Marshawn Walker

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Marshawn Walker

It was about nine o'clock in the morning and I was awakened by the doorbell blasting. I got up quickly as the doorbell continued to ring.

I opened the door to see Maurice. "Morning. I know I'm not supposed to drop Asia off until later but I got a early morning class." He said in hurry.

"Aight" I said rubbing my eyes. "I changed her diaper. She been sleep so when she wake up she'll probably need to be fed." He handed her over in her car seat.

"Okay." I replied while grabbing her diaper bag. "Tell Ariana I'm sorry." He said apologetically.

"Your good" I replied. He nodded his head and bent down to Asia's car seat. "Love you." He pecked her forehead softly.

"I'll see ya" he said dryly and walked away from the doorstep. I closed the door behind him and sat on the couch.

I unbuckled Asia from her car seat and picked her up. I laid her on my chest as she continued sleeping.

"You had fun with your daddy?" I asked her. "He ain't better than me huh?" I asked her, she flashed a small smile, making me laugh.

It was early, and Ariana was still sleeping so I decided that I'd fall back asleep too. I should take advantage of this time I can sleep.

When I woke up Asia wasn't on my chest anymore. I sat up and looked around. "Morning" Ariana said from the kitchen.

"Wassup" I gave her a head nod. "Don't worry Asia right here." She continued to feed her a bottle.

I got up and walked over to Ariana and Asia. "Alright babygirl, your done" Ariana wiped her mouth off.

"Mommy missed you" Ariana said kissing all over her face. "You've gotten so big in the last few days" she said dramatically.

I mentally rolled my eyes "She still the same size she was when she left. Dramatic ass" I said to Ariana.

"Yea she has, look at her" Ariana held her up. I looked at her closely "She look the exact same" I replied.

She smacked her lips "Whatever. You just a hater." She said to me. "Wolf is just a hater isn't he baby" she kissed her.

I went back to sit on the couch and Ariana followed. Ariana laid Asia on the couch while she played with a toy.

"So have you thought about it?"Ariana asked. I leveled the toy back and forth playing with Asia.

"Thought about what?" I asked her confusedly. "The conversation we had the other day?" She asked.

"Oh. Well yea" I said dryly. "So what's your answer?" She asked.

"Hi pretty girl" I tickled her stomach. She giggled and laughed. I looked up and saw Ariana staring at me impatiently.

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