Car Crash

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"I gave him your number"

"Who?" I say while changing into my regular clothes.

"Your last customer" my bestfriend, Farah, says like I'm supposed to know.

"What?! I don't even kno-"

"Harry Styles" she says grinning ear to ear.

I start to blush. She knows I have a little crush on Harry Styles. Ever since Sophmore year of highschool when he first came to America I had a crush on him. Then, just when he got to know a little about me, his father had a heartattack and passed. Harry had to fly out to london and ended up taking over his dads Million Dollar buisness.

"The Mi-Millionare?" I question stuttering as I do so.

"Yep" she says popping the 'p'

"Oh my gosh" I say my face heating up as I recap our session.

"Hes coming back to our school on monday. He needs a tutor though.... you know....since hes behind by a year" she keeps going.

"Oh my gosh Farah. This is going to be so embarrassing. What if he tells everyone that I'm a, a, stripper?"

" I'm sure he won't do that," she says slipping her converse on her feet, taking a seat next to me.

"I have to meet up with him," I say feeling bad that I completely ignored Farahs failed attempt at trying to comfort me "Just to beg him not to tell anybody"

"How are you going to find him?"

"I thought you said he gave you his number for me"

She laughs. "No. If you would listen you would know that I said I.gave him your number"

"Fuck!" I yell punching one of the lockers.

"I'm sure he will call you, he looked like he had a pretty good time in the session" she trys winks at me, making me laugh a little because shes the only person I know who can't wink right. Instead of closing one eye she closes both.

"I love you Farrah" I say standing up giving my bestfriend a hug.

"I love you to but you are bipolar as hell"

I giggle again. 

"Do you want to come over my house tonight?" I poke out my bottom lip "I'm going to be alone watching zombie movies, come on Farrah bear, my brothers probaly not even going to be there, hes got a new girlfriend."

"Ok, but I'm not cooking anything this time" she says grabbing her car keys off the bench we were sitting on.

"Pshh cooking, we're  going to McDonalds"

"We're going to McDonalds? I vegetarian, remeber?"

"They have salads" I say trying to convince her to come with me.

"No, The Veggie Shack is right around the corner, I'm just going to pick up a veggie burger and a salad and then I promise I will be at your house.

"Ok" I say walking toward my Jeep.

When I get to my house I try to open the door as quiet as possible. I'm not trying to hear my dad complain about how late I'm coming home lately. When I feel that the coast is clear I walk into the kitchen and put my McDonalds bag on the counter, taking out some of the hot fries.

I look outside to see if Farah is out there, she isn't so I text her.


Hey u still comin over


Yep. I was just eating in the parking lot but I sense that you are missing me already so im coming right now lol


Lml nobody is missin u im just bored


lol whatever see you in a minute

Farah POV

I just finish my veggie burger when I got a text from Marylin.


Hey u still comin over


Yep. I was just eating in the parking lot but I sense that you are missing me already so im coming right now lol


Lml nobody is missin u im just bored


lol whatever see you in a minute

That was the last thing I sent before pulling out of the parking lot.

All I saw was a white sudan swerving in and out of lanes.

All I heard was a crash and a stomach churning crunch.

All I felt was, so much pain in my abdomen.

And then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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