First day with the little devil 😈

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Izuku P.O.V

I wake up to the light coming through my cracks of my blinds. I get up and look around. It must of been all a dream, there was no kid. I get up out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. "Oh honey, please eat the breakfast I made. You can't just eat nothing but Pop tarts, they can't be good for you." No! Please don't tell me it wasn't a dream?? I turn the corner to see my mother trying to pry the box of Pop tarts out of little hands.

"Kota please!" My mother exlaims as she looks up to see me. "Oh good morning honey, I'm running late for work. Do me a favor could you make sure Kota eats something other than Pop tarts. Oh and drop him off at kindergarten, same school you and Katsuki attended." Then with a kiss to my forehead and failed kiss attempt on Kota, she was out the door.

Kota doesn't make things easy on anyone. How the hell am I supposed to get him be in charge? Maybe he just needs someone to be firm with him. My mother and I are way to nice of people. Ok well here goes nothing. I walk over to him and look him straight in the eye. "Kota, go get into your uniform and brush your teeth. I'm gonna give you 15 minutes you better be ready." I stare it him refusing to blink. I have to stand my ground.

Kota then looks away, setting his pop tart on the plate. He proceeded to get off the chair. Wow I did it! I knew that's all he needed was just some firmness. I feel proud of myself, maybe this might work out.

As I walk back to my room I notice the TV turn. I look to see Kota watching cartoons. Are you kidding me?? Here I thought I got through to him. I guess im just gonna have to get strict on him.

I walk over turning off the TV. "Kota didn't I tell you to get ready for school? I'm not going to repeat myself. Go get ready this instance!" I raised my voice and made a frowl face to show I mean business.

As before I feel something hard hit my nose. This time it's the TV remote. That really hurt, I hold my nose in pain.

"Who do you think you are bossing me around? Your not my dad, your a nobody!" He yells pointing his little finger at me. "I'm older than you and I was placed in charge! Your going to listen to me while we're living together. Got that! Now get ready for school!"

I could see him glare at me as if to challenge me. We were at a stand still, neither one wanting to move an inch. I had my hand clinched in front of me. I started to feel the tension around us. Then to my surprise, "whatever I don't have time to deal with you. I'd rather be in school than spend the day with you. Then with that he walks to the room to get ready. Did I just win? Ha, I won this battle! Then I hear from my room "this means nothing, don't think you won anything." Did this kid read my mind??

I walk in my room to see the 4 year old with his shirt stuck over his head. "Do you need some help taking it off?" I say as reach over and pull off the shirt. I instantly feel a pain to me stomach. It was a sucker punch to the guy by the demon child. "I don't need any help change you pervert!" He yells as his points a fist to my face. Did he just call me a pervert? How does a kindergartener know words like that?

After I manage to to finally get him ready we make our way down. Gosh that was the hardest task of the day. I'll have to apologise to my mom if I was ever half as bad the kid Kota was.

Kota refused to hold my hand as we walked. When I tried to hold his hand he yanked away calling me a pervert. Why is this get so difficult!

"Deku! Wait for us!" I look back to see Uraraka and Tenya. I feel relieved at least now I can talk to them. Step up from having to deal with the spawn of Satan next to me.

Once they finally catch up i get a big hug from Uraraka. "So Deku how was your first day as equipment manager?" Before I had the chance to reply to her Tenya comes in. "Midoriya is that kid with you?"

Uraraka pokes her head over my shoulder "oh ya who is that kid?"

I look over at Kota as he gave his signature death stare. "Oh this guy? This is my little cousin Kota. He staying with us while his mom is away in work."

Uraraka smiles then jumps in front of him. She crouches down and gives him a huge smile. "Hi there Kota, I'm Uraraka. I'm your big cuzzo's best friend." She then removes his hat to tussle his hair. "Aren't you just the cutest."

I jump in fear at what Kota would do to her. As I reach over to pull Uraraka back before he did something. I notice Kota blush, his little cheeks turn bright red.

Wait no way.. he is actually blushing at her?? She then proceedes to put his hat back on. "Hey wait a minute, isn't that a kindergarten uniform?" She looks back and gives me a scowl. "Deku you jerk! How you gonna let him walk the street without holding his hand?"

"You see he wouldn't.." before I could finish. I see her hold out her hand "Kota I'm sorry for my idiot friend. Here let me walk you properly to school." She gives Kota a huge Uraraka style smile.

"Uraraka he not going to.." then to my surprise I see Kota actually give her his hand. "What was that Deku?" I stare in disbelief "ya it's nothing."

I guess Uraraka has a way with kids. Who would of known right?

We finally make it to the front of his school. It brings back lots of memories of Kacchan and I. The old tree that Kacchan would climb that I was always scared too. The turtle and bunny we would ride pretending to race. Seeing everything, all I could think of was Kacchan. How much I miss back when we were still close.

Women's voice: Izuku Midoriya?

I look back to see my old kindergarten teacher. "Ms. Uzumaki?" I reply in disbelief.

"What brings you by, came to visit?" She asked in a sweet voice as she smiles.

"No sorry, I came to drop off my little cousin Kota." Oh so this is the new kid i was getting today. Well nice to meet you Kota."

"Well I better get going I'll see later. Nice seeing you again Ms.Uzamaki." I then turn to the demon child "Kota I'll be here to pick you up after practice ok?" He ignores me and makes his way inside.

That little jerk could of at least said goodbye. It wouldn't kill him to be nice. I better fix that before he becomes a mini Kacchan.

We arrive at school and find our seats. I make my way past Kacchan as he stops me. "Nerd I see you became our water boy. Damn Deku you sure find ways to embarrass yourself." He then gives me a evil smile.

I ignore what he says and take my seat. Then I feel someone grab my shoulder. I look up to see Shoto, "Midoriya meet me after class I want to talk to you."

What could he want with me?

A/N sorry for spending another chapter on Kota and Deku. I just really love the idea of them living together. I wanted to set up more of their relationship. But I'll lay off the Kota/Deku story and get too more of Kacchan and Todoroki. Can't wait to dive in.

Who Do I Choose?(Katsuki x Deku) (Todoroki x Deku) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now