A new school year.

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Rams P.O.V

I drive to Kurts house. It's the first day of senior year! We've been friends for 12 years give or take. I start to think...we've been best friends for 12 years? how?

I pull into his driveway and he runs outside then gets in the passenger seat. "Hey dude!" I say excited. "Hey!" Kurt replies with. "I can't believe it's already senior year!" I exclaim. "Crazy isn't it" he responds.

*Time Skip because I'm a lazy hoe that doesn't want to write boring shit in the car*

Me and Kurt both walk into school. It seems like we were just here. No friends but each other, now we practically own the school. Really popular and never bothered.

Then suddenly everyone goes quiet. I look over at the door and see that the Heathers arrived. I roll my eyes then say "I almost forgot about them." Kurt responds with "I could never forget about them. The constant bitching and make out sessions are enough to keep my memory in track." I think for a moment then say "I guess you're right.." suddenly the bell rings and everyone heads to class

Soon enough it's lunch time. I walk over to a girl who's name is Veronica. I really hate smacking lunch trays but it keeps me a kinda tough image. I slap her lunch tray and it falls to floor. "Ooooopss" I say sarcastically. She doesn't respond.

I walk to the lunch table to see Heather MacNamara on Kurt's lap. They're making out. I feel some jealousy for some reason.

Soon enough all three Heathers get up and walk to the bathroom. "Already making out?" I ask Kurt. "Bro I missed it. During the summer there isn't any hot chicks around" he responds with. I roll my eyes at that.

After about ten minutes the heathers come back with someone. I look closer to see what appears to be a glowed up Veronica. "I guess Veronica's a Heather now" Kurt says "I guess so" I say back.


"RAM!" Heather Chandler yells from across the lunch room. I glance at Kurt and he shrugs. We both walk over to her. "Ram, be a sweetie and give this note to Martha Dumptruck will you?" I grab the note from her and start unfolding it "DON'T READ IT!" She yells. Me and Kurt walk away and I hand the note to him. "Read it and tell me if I should give it to her" I say. He quickly reads the note and laughs. "Give it to her" he says. I shrug and without questioning him I go and give her the note. I walk back to the table and glance over to the door. A guy that's probably around 5' 7" walks into the cafeteria. Veronica's eyes instantly light up, you can tell she's interested. "Who does the new kid think he is?" Kurt says very snarky. "I dunno. Veronica's into his act no doubt" I reply with. "Let's beat his ass!" Kurt exclaims. I really hate doing this but I have to keep up my douche bag jock persona.

That was fucking boring. I promise it'll get better. The next chapter is where things start to kick off. 558 words short chapter. Will be longer in the future.

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