Resentment | 1

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You can forgive, but you'll never forget.
People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.
- Bill Cosby

I'm a 17 year old girl named Storm And this is my story. I committed suicide. It was a bad choice and my soul continues to live on in regret. I have been dead for a matter of 3 years. I am 20 years old now (counting the years of me being deceased). But read on and here my story.


Theresa (Storm's mom) saw a note on her laptop that read open & watch me video. She did as she was told.

The video ( 2 years earlier )

If your watching this by now I'm dead but I want you to know the reason I did this, it was because of the pain. the torture. the hate. All of it. I just couldn't take it anymore. Imagine hearing Storm your so fat *starts to tear up* or how old is she? Wow she's a big 15 year old! It really hurt... and the worst part is having your own family taunt you and call you fat or call you a beast. Or to even tell you that you need to stop eating so much. I'm sorry *tears up even more*. I just... I just couldn't take it please don't cry I'm sorry I love you. *starts laughing hysterically* Who am I kidding you probably won't even cry. Well anyway tell nina (her grandma) I love her. Tell reese (her brother) I love him. And tell all my aunts, uncles, and cousins I love them. I love all of you guys. But please... please don't cry over me. *by now she's balling her eyes out* I just couldn't take the hatred. *takes out a pistol* . She closes her eyes says "I love you" once more, cocks the pistol and shoots herself in the temple. The impact instantly killing her.


Present time

Theresa's POV

As I sit here at Storm's grave I felt remorse and regret build up inside of me. I can only image how much hatred she felt towards us. I was wailing so loudly I'm sure I was disturbing the deceased. Storm was my only daughter. It was only her and Reese. The only reason she was treated the way she was because she wrapped her umbilical cord around her twins head and I hated her for killing my other baby.

I shouldn't have held on to that because the predicament it has me in now I would have taken 2 babies over 1 any day.

It's been 5 years and Reese constantly asks about his sister. I told him that I did bad things that pushed her over the edge but I was gonna re-explain it to him when he got older. Today is the day after his 15th birthday and I have decided I'm ready to tell him.

Reese's POV

My mom just finished explaining to me what happened to my sister and I was pissed off. I can't even begin to explain my fury. Why would she say those things to Storm. I hope she burns in hell living with that guilty conscience. And that stupid bitch hasn't been to church in years how could she even expect to be forgiven. I think I'm gonna go live with my dad. I can't live with this shit. I don't even know how she has dealt with it all these years.


After I ranted to my girl about my problems I rolled up a fat blunt and took a long drag from it feeling my issues instantly escape. I know it's bad for me to smoke but I only do it once in a while when I'm really stressed. I decided to call my dad and talk to him about the situation.

**Phone Conversation

Reese: Hey dad..

Malik: Hey son. What's going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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