New Book coming out!

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Hello Dashiell Robert Parr fans! I'll be making a new Dash x Reader for y'all! I just thought I needed more Dash x Readers in this world and making em is fun. Here is the summary I have created:

Y/N isn't very popular in Metropolis High School. She's smart and all but is bullied frequently by girls for no reason. She's dealt with abuse for years, she's dealt with bullies for years, she's dealt with her superhero life for years as well. As a superhero she was a role model for young little girls everywhere. As Y/N she was a worthless little brat. She was always asked one question by a few teachers, peers and fellow superhero's as well:
"Are you okay?" The answer was always fake: "I'm fine." But it was all just an illusion. To hide the hurt inside.

Hope ya liked the summary! I'm working on the first chapter, also working on the fourth chapter for this! Also I just watched the Incredibles 2 movie and WOWZA! 3-D is awesome as well, the fight scenes were bomb, everything was fucking incredible! I'm researching it since we were late and missed the first part so WOOHOO! HALLELUJAH!

Hope you'll like my new story, kk, bye!

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