Part 4

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I stayed close to the shadows, trying to blend in with it as much as possible. Not so easy when Edna makes you a (colour besides black) super suit. I snuck behind a tree, close to where the family of supers and Frozone were fighting nightmares robot minions. The family was separated. Mr.Incredible was kicking, punching and breaking the robots. Elastigirl was trying to stay as close as possible with her children to keep them safe while pushing citizens out of the way. Concealed Mauve (violet. Credit to yeetonmyyuki for the name) was using her forcefields and invisibility for sneak attacks on the clueless, poorly built robots. They seemed easy to defeat but they just kept on duplicating. The Dash was also using the confusing tactic on the robots by making them twirl around by running in circles around them and punching/kicking with his super speed.Laser Eye.(credit to yeetonmyyuki again for the name. I'm making Jack Jack's official powers laser eyes btw) was using his lasers to blast them out of the way. Frozone was freezing the robots and making em slide and crash into each other. While I was looking at them fighting I noticed a bot sneaking up behind Laser Eye. Now this was the moment I make an entrance. I shot a fire ball at the robot before it could hit Laser Eye. He noticed turning around and seeing me there. Out of instinct, I guess, he shot lasers at me.
"Woah, woah, I'm on your side!"
I put my hand in the air to show my innocence.
"Dad! Mom!"
Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl turned there heads around while fighting. There eyes widened as they noticed me.
"I'm on your side, I swear!"
Elastigirl sighed. "We're too occupied"- she smacked a robot on the head -"at the moment to check. Vi! You watch the girl alright!"
Concealed Mauve sighed, "I thought babysitting was over when Ja- I mean Laser Eye was 5."
The Dash snickered, "Have fun babysitting!"
I shot a fire ball close to The Dash's head. He must have thought I was going to hit him because he dashed out of the way. But really I was just aiming at the robots behind him. Concealed Mauve yelled,
"Why would you attack-!"
"She wasn't attacking me. She was attacking the robots behind me."
I threw my hands in the air, "Someone who believes me! Finally!"
The Dash glared at me, "I don't believe you, yet. I was only defending you for one thing."
I shrugged, "So can we kick the robots mechanical butts now..?"
Concealed Mauve thought about it for a sec.
"Sure. But I still got my eyes on you."
I blasted fire at the robots and burned them. Laser Eye and The Dash's jaws dropped. Concealed Mauve was still glaring but she had a kind of impressed look on her face. I turned to face them;
"You guys just gonna stare, or are you gonna help?"

-time skip because Author is very lazy-

While we were fighting I noticed that the robots were decreasing and none were magically appearing. I also noticed Nightmare was no where to be seen. The Dash must've noticed my hesitation to hit the next robot because he asked,
"Something wrong?"
"Well, yeah." I turned around to face him, "The robots are actually decreasing now and Nightmare isn't here."
His eyes widened, "She's probably going after Y/N!"
He was about to run to me. I mean the other me. The me that's supposed to- argh! This is so confusing! I grabbed his arm preventing him from going.
"What is it? We need to go save her!"
"Did you give her a signalling device?" He nodded.
"Then don't go. If she presses the button we know she's in trouble."
"But what if-?"
"If there is one thing I know about girls, they don't want to seem like helpless little princesses. She's strong and independent and will call if she sees Nightmare. She doesn't want you worrying."
"How do you know that?"
"I talked to her after you left her." Please believe what I just said.
"A-alright." And he went on to fight the remaining robots. I sighed and helped him, his family and Frozone out.

-time skip again because Kapdjs-

We had defeated all the robots, but Nightmare was no where to be seen. So now I was the problem. Mr.Incredible glared at me. He was suspicious of me. Why was everyone so suspicious of everything!? Surprisingly Concealed Mauve came to my rescue.
"She helped us fight dad! She's obviously in the right!"
"She could be pretending!"
"Dad she's saved Ja- Laser Eye!"
Laser Eye shrugged, "I could be smushed robot food right now if it wasn't for her."
I sighed, "It's alright if you don't trust me. I won't ever attack Metroville. But I will come and protect it even if you won't let  me. If you want to speak with me again meet me," I gave Elastigirl a piece of paper, "Here. It has an address and everything. I have to go now, my mom might worry. Good night." And I ran off to the place where Y/N was supposed to be.

-small time skip again!-

I changed back into my all black outfit and had the signal in my hand while sitting on the ground, acting like I was waiting. All of a sudden The Dash came zooming in.
"Hey Y/N! You alright?"
"Yes I'm fine. Phoenix came to check on me."
"Who's Phoenix."
"She's the female superhero. In the (colour besides black) suit."
"So Phoenix is her name..."
"Yup! So can I go home now? Or at least where my friends and I were supposed to meet up at."
"You sure you want to go out right after a super villain tried to kidnap you?"
"Yeah I don't mind."
He chuckled. "So where'd you like to go?"

I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in forever! I said I was going to update before the 16th so I kept my promise for once right? This story sucks but thanks for the people that actually added this to their reading lists, and actually read it!
And thank you for over 1k reads! That's amazing! I'll be updating the other book so expect that one to come around this week.
Also, again, credit to yeetonmyyuki for the superhero names.

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