And I Always Will (Cute)

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Your POV:

I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through my phone, waiting for my boyfriend and his band mates to return home. Thy had gotten a call a little while ago, something about a quick last minute band meeting and I assumed they would be getting home by now-

*stomp stomp*

Just as I was expecting, I hear the door open and a group of boys walk in. I smile and stand up going to greet them but when I see Jonah my smile soon fades... he looks rather sad and distracted, like he has bad news.

"Jonah baby what's wrong?" I ask him.

"I- uhm... can we go talk somewhere please?" he asks looks down at his feet and avoiding eye contact.

I nod and warily walk outside near the pool, him following close behind.

Jonah's POV:

I did not really want to do this. The boys thought it would be funny to watch and everyone would get a good laugh. I disagreed. The boys dared me to prank Y/N by telling her that meeting was about how we had to break up, that us being a couple isn't as good for our "look" as me being single would. I thought that was ridiculous and totally far fetched but I mean why not I guess. I don't really know why I'm doing this. I don't think it's going to go over well but a dares a dare and for some reason I'm going for it.

I follow Y/N outside and try to make myself seem more nervous than I already am.

"Listen.. I-I.." I sigh trailing off,

"Jonah whatever it is, it's ok please just let me know what going on." she says sincerely and gently touches my shoulder.

"Our management thinks, well they said we need to break up so we can seem more appealing to an audience by being single." I quickly rush out.

She looks at me almost as if she didn't understand, which I would get. She also looks like she's gonna laugh like she knew it was a prank but I can see in her eyes, flashes of worry running through them.

"What?" she questions me.

"We... we have to break up." I repeat slower and trying to be calmer.

"What the hell Jonah what? We've been together for a year and a half why the hell does something have to change now? Corbyn and Jack are in a relationship why in the world can't we be?" Y/N grumbles angrily at me.

"I-I don't know I guess 3 single guys is more appealing... baby I'm sor-"

"Don't. Don't call me baby when you're telling me we have to "break up" so you can get better publicity." She rolls her eyes, upset, and turns to walk inside.


"No Jonah I don't wanna hear it. If that's what you're gonna do because you're too scared to stand up for yourself and your relationship then I guess I'm done, have a nice life." She storms inside and I quickly follow her, my heart breaking know how much this must be hurting her. I had to tell her none of this was real.

I rush inside and call out her name, "Y/N please wait... listen it's just a-"

"Just a what huh?" She stomps her foot, her eyes brimming with tears.

I frown feeling guilty. "It's just a prank... the guys dared me to prank you saying management was making us break up but it's not true... that was never talked about." I say looking at my heartbroken girlfriend.

"What?" her face flashes between confusion and relief.

"It's just a prank love.. I'm so sorry. I never should've listened to the guys I would never let anyone come between us..." I go on to say more but I feel small arms wrap around me and a bead against my chest.

"Don't ever so that to me again." I hear her mumble into my chest.

"I won't. I promise princess." I say and wrap my arms around her frame and gently rub shapes into her back. "I love you and always will." I tell her truthfully.

"I love you too... you really scared me there but I still love you." she looks up at me, "And I always will."

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