Update Notice

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Hi guys! I've had a couple of you readers out there ask me whether or not I plan to update this story. I just wanted to let you all know that the answer is YES! I find that I'm better at making short stories though, so instead of chapters, I have about three one-shot stories planned, and each takes place in the same timeline a few weeks apart. Since they continue off of each other, I'll update this book instead of making a new one. Hopefully I'll have one for you soon!

ALSO: I've noticed in some parts of my stories that some grammar, capitalization, and spelling errors have popped up when I copy them over to Wattpad even though they're nonexistent in my computer's writing program. If you see any, please kindly point them out for me so that I can fix them in order to create a better experience for you and other future readers. Thanks for all your support and kind words!

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