Summer 2039

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The curtains were all flung open, letting in sweet rays of sunlight to warm the apartment as you started digging through your bedroom closet for an outfit. Nice days in Detroit did not happen often, and you were determined to take advantage of such a rare occasion. Since the android liberation, you had decided to make it official with Ralph and take your companion out to purchase some legitimate outfits. He had found several articles of clothing that were to his liking, and he was currently changing into one of the ensembles for your first real date. Seeking to impress him, you pulled out a short, black dress with a very low cut neck and a small slit up the thigh. Despite being your favorite dress, it hadn't seen the light of day in ages due to having no event for which to wear it. You decided confidently that today was as good a day as any, and you slipped the fabric on and zipped up the back before glancing yourself over in the long mirror next to your door. You were grateful to see that it was still a perfect fit, hugging your body in all the right places, and dipping just low enough to show all the best bits of your skin. You twirled once, and flipped your hair with exaggerated flair to admire yourself. As you picked out a nice pair of shoes to match, you started singing quietly.

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and bright~"

As you finished up your verse, you heard a soft knock at the bedroom door from Ralph.

"Can Ralph come in?" his voice chimed through the wood.

"Just a second!" You finished zipping up your heeled sandals before pulling the door open. You glanced up to see your partner in light colored slacks and a dark blue buttoned shirt, beaming at you with a sense of confidence you had rarely seen from him. A smile broke across your face as you took in how dashing he looked, hair freshly combed and eyes shining with happiness just to be with you. As your eyes moved to his face, you noticed that his stare was roaming your figure slowly, scanning all your curves and bare skin with a mixture of adoration and surprise.

"How do I look?" you asked him, causing his attention to snap back to your face with a sudden jolt.

"L-lovely," he murmured, a blue blush rising rapidly in his cheeks. You chuckled with endearment.

"You look great too. How do you feel?"

"Pretty and witty," he responded in his own innocent attempt to flirt. It worked like a charm, causing you to place a small peck on his damaged cheek with a giggle. He twitched slightly at the sensitivity, but he enjoyed the sensation against his bare components.

"Alright, let's head to the park," you said, grabbing his hand. You went to move, but he hesitated, head dropping low to look at the carpet. "Something wrong?"

"No. No. Well... Ralph just... Are you certain this is okay?"

"Of course, Ralph. I want to be seen with you. I want people to know we're together. Let them stare. They can't do anything to you, or us."

A small grin returned to his face as he squeezed your hand assuredly. "Okay."

Birds and flowers were dotted across the landscape as the two of you strolled peacefully together hand in hand, admiring the scenery, warmth, and company. The few clouds which floated above the horizon formed unique shapes that each of you pointed out to each other, comparing what you were seeing with pure amusement. The sun was hot but welcoming as it poured down on you, and even Ralph agreed that it was pleasing to his sensors. This was perhaps the first sunny day he had seen in years, so as pleasant as it was for you, it was twice as exciting for him. The sheer joy written all over his face was more than enough satisfaction for you as the day rolled by, and his numerous observations kept you entertained even as you stopped to rest. He pointed out different species of flora and fauna with expert precision. With the flowers, especially, he began to recall facts from his gardening days which you hadn't even read of in books. At one point when you decided to take advantage of an ice cream stand, Ralph scurried off in the distance and returned with a pink petunia to place delicately in your hair. Conveniently, your face turned almost the same shade as the flower at his gesture, and he smirked in success. You sat down on a nearby bench together while you ate, watching pigeons gather at your feet in clusters. Ralph licked at your ice cream cone, not quite understanding the appeal it had to you, but enjoying the cooling sensation in his circuits nonetheless.

Upon finishing the sugary cone, you laid your head gently on your companion's shoulder, relishing in the relaxation of the moment. Your hand drifted lazily onto his thigh, and he ran his thumb across it while it rested on him. In that moment, an unpleasant sound wandered into your ears, and you knew Ralph heard it too when he tensed up beside you.

"Disgusting... How can they let that be legal?" harsh whispers came from your side.

Lifting your eyes just barely, you saw the source of the unsavory comment sitting in the grass a short distance from you. A group of two couples perched on a picnic blanket stared at you through sunglasses while cupping their palms in a failed attempt to hide their words. They looked pompous as they gossiped, and their utter lack of decency sent your blood boiling as they continued to slander your partner, growing obnoxiously louder with each phrase. Ralph's entire demeanor sank into shame when one of them mentioned his scars, and you promptly decided that they had crossed the line. You fired a murderous glare at the woman who had just spoken before grabbing Ralph's face roughly with both hands and smashing a hot kiss directly onto his lips, shocking everyone involved, including yourself. Your tongue darted across his freshly parted lips as he released a small cry against your mouth. He tasted sweet and cold from the ice cream that lingered on him, and you reveled in it for a long moment before pulling back for air.

"I love you, Ralph!" you exclaimed just loudly enough to make a point. To your delight, the couples averted their gaze and opted to move to a different location, leaving you and your lover in peace. Ralph stared at you with the widest smile you had ever seen, and his cheeks were burning with blue blood. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight, and this only caused him to pull you deep into an intimate embrace. You stayed that way for what seemed like forever before finally rising to walk home as the sun started setting. His hold on you never faltered as you made your way back to the apartment, and just as you went to stick your keys in the door, the android spun you around to look at him. He seemed so much taller than you in the moment, and his stance left you backed up against the door frame submissively. He looked at you with longing, lips parted slightly as he eyed your body. You swallowed hard upon seeing him in such a state. It was new, exciting, and rather jarring to your senses. He took his time staring at you before he finally spoke up.

"(Y/n)..." he murmured, voice dropping to a strange, new octave.


"Can Ralph kiss you again? He likes the way it feels..."

Your only response was an enthusiastic nod before he pulled you into a strong, passionate kiss that seemed to last for ages. When it finally broke, you were gasping for air, heart beating wildly against your chest. Ralph smiled down at you, face tinted a sultry blue. Your hand fumbled for the door knob, a small smirk of desire playing across your face before pulling him inside by the shirt collar and locking the door behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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